Zurück SDGs: the EU is protecting its marine waters better

2 June 2022

© United Nations

The EU has achieved good progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 14) ‘Life below water’

Overall, marine protected areas have increased and fishing activities in most of EU waters appear to have become more sustainable, thanks to the common fishery policy of the EU. Trends in ocean health, however, remain mixed. Some positive trends have been emerging for bathing water quality and the reduction of point-source and diffuse pollution through improved waste water treatment. Oceans, however, have continued to acidify as a result of  increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere which come from the combustion of fossil fuels. 


Infographic: SDG 14, life below water in 2020, showing values for global mean surface seawater acidity and bathing water quality


This SDG aims to conserve oceans by ensuring they are used sustainably. This includes safeguarding marine and coastal ecosystems, protecting at least 30% of coastal and marine areas, as well as preventing and reducing marine pollution and ocean acidification.

Monitoring SDG 14 in an EU context focuses on progress made in advancing marine conservation, in fostering sustainable fisheries and in ensuring healthy oceans.

You can read more in Eurostat’s publication ‘Sustainable development in the European Union — 2022 monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context’, which provides a statistical overview of progress towards the SDGs in the EU.

How is your country doing in this regard?

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