Zurück Sit at work? You are one of 39%

5. März 2019

© Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.com

Almost four out of every ten people (39 %) employed in the European Union (EU) in 2017 carried out their work while sitting down. This included office workers using computers, staff in call-centres and vehicle drivers.

A further 30 % of EU workers had jobs which mostly involve moderate physical effort, such as car repairs, nursing, plumbing and carrying light loads.

One in five workers in the EU (20 %) spent most of their working time standing up, such as teachers or shop sales assistants. The remaining people employed had jobs that mostly involve heavy labour or are physically demanding, such as heavy construction work, loading and digging.

Infographic of share of workers with different levels of physical activity at work, 2017

Within these EU averages, there are variations in the different Member States. For example, the majority of people employed in the Netherlands (55 %), Germany (54 %) and Luxembourg (52 %) spent their working time mostly sitting down.

Around half of the workforce in Lithuania (50 %) and Greece (46 %) were in jobs that mostly involve moderate physical effort.

When it comes to occupations that mostly involve standing up, Spain (43 %) and Romania (36 %) had the highest shares of the EU workforce in this category.

The two EU Member States with the highest proportion of employed people in jobs that are physically-demanding were Greece (22 %) and Poland (16 %).


The source dataset is here.


For more information:

  • Overview of statistics on income, social inclusion and living conditions


To contact us: estat-user-support@ec.europa.eu