Zurück Two thirds of packaging waste is recycled

14. November 2017

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The 2017 edition of the statistical book 'Energy, transport and environment indicators' includes a broad range of data to help assess developments, such as in climate change, energy security, the environment and sustainable transport.

This edition shows, for instance, that while 163 kilogrammes of packaging waste were generated per inhabitant in the EU-28 in 2014, almost two thirds of this was recycled (65%). Recycling rates ranged from more than 81% in Belgium to around 41% in Malta. All Member States except Croatia, Greece, Hungary and Malta met the 2008 target of recycling 55 % of packaging waste. Latvia only needed to achieve the 55% target in 2015.

Recycling rate for overall packaging waste (%), 2014



For more information, see Eurostat's publication Energy, transport and environment indicators — 2017 edition and Statistics Explained article on packaging waste statistics.


Energy, transport and environment indicators