Staff Housing Survey

The Staff Housing Survey (SHS) is organised by Eurostat amongst staff of international organisations in various duty stations in the European Union Member States.

These surveys are implemented in the context of the wider work done to compare the relative cost of living of international civil servants between their place of employment and the reference city, Brussels.

They are distinct from the separate Family Budget Surveys. The SHS questionnaire is shorter and focuses upon residential dwellings and mobility behaviours. Countries are generally covered simultaneously rather than on a rolling cycle. 

These surveys are organised every 5-7 years and participation is voluntary. However, it is very important that staff take the time to provide accurate answers to the questions, as the results will have a direct impact on the calculation of rent PPP, which are a key component to calculate global correction coefficients.


The following table summarises the source of dwelling preference weights used to calculate rent PPP for each duty station. Note: Taper weights for the six-year model represent average mobility pattern across all duty stations.

Duty Station Source of dwelling preference weights
  Current Source Previous Source
BE-Brussels SHS2021 SHS2016
BG-Sofia SHS2021 pool BG/HR/RO/SI/Balkans SHS2016
CZ-Prague SHS2021 pool CZ/SK/HU/AT/PL SHS2016
DK-Copenhagen SHS2021 SHS2016
DE-Berlin SHS2021 (DE excl Karlsruhe, Munich) SHS2016 (DE excl Karlsruhe, Munich)
DE-Munich SHS2021 SHS2016
DE-Karlsruhe SHS2021 SHS2016
EE-Tallinn SHS2021 pool EE/LV/LT SHS2016 pool EE/LV/LT
IE-Dublin SHS2021 SHS2016
EL-Athens SHS2021 SHS2016
ES-Madrid SHS2021 (whole ES) SHS2016 (whole ES)
FR-Paris SHS2021 (whole FR) SHS2016 (whole FR)
HR-Zagreb SHS2021 pool BG/HR/RO/SI/Balkans SHS2016 EU pool
IT-Rome SHS2021 (IT excl Varese) SHS2016 (IT excl Varese)
IT-Varese SHS2021 SHS2016
CY-Nicosia SHS2021 SHS2016
LT-Vilnius SHS2021 pool EE/LV/LT SHS2016 pool EE/LV/LT
LV-Riga SHS2021 pool EE/LV/LT SHS2016 pool EE/LV/LT
HU-Budapest SHS2021 SHS2016
MT-Valetta SHS2021 SHS2016 EU pool
NL-Den Haag SHS2021 (whole NL) SHS2016 (whole NL)
AT-Vienna SHS2021 pool AT/DE-Munich SHS2016 pool AT/DE-Munich
PL-Warsaw SHS2021 SHS2021
PT-Lisbon SHS2021 SHS2021
RO-Bucarest SHS2021 pool BG/HR/RO/SI/Balkans SHS2016 EU pool
SI-Ljubljana SHS2021 SHS2016
SK-Bratislava SHS2021 pool CZ/SK/HU/AT/PL SHS2016 EU pool
FI-Helsinki SHS2021 SHS2016
SE-Stockholm SHS2021 SHS2016
Extra-EU duty stations
UK-London SHS2021 SHS2016
IS-Reykjavik SHS2021 pool IS/NO/CH SHS2016 EU pool
NO-Oslo SHS2021 pool IS/NO/CH SHS2016 EU pool
CH-Bern SHS2021 pool IS/NO/CH SHS2016 EU pool
CH-Geneva SHS2021 pool IS/NO/CH SHS2016 EU pool
TR-Ankara SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool
AL-Tirana SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool
BA-Sarajevo SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool
ME-Podgorica SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool
MK-Skopje SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool
RS-Belgrade SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool
XK-Pristina SHS2021 pool TR/AL/BA/ME/MK/RS/XK SHS2016 EU pool

Note : If there is an insufficient number of replies to enable a robust statistic to be established for an individual duty station, pool weights are used, combining replies for duty stations where the number of replies is insufficient.


A harmonised online questionnaire is used for this survey, hosted by Eurostat. All participants have access to the same questionnaire.

Staff of the following organisations are invited to participate :

  • EU institutions and EU agencies (COMM, PARL, CONS, ECJ, ECA, etc); EIB and  ECB are invited to participate, although they do not have the same terms and conditions of employment
  • Organisations with linked terms and conditions of employment (European Schools, EuroControl, European Patent Office, European Southern Observatory, etc)
  • Coordinated Organisations (OECD, NATO, CoE, ESA, ECMWF, EUMETSAT), together with ISRP 
  • United Nations agencies, in collaboration with ICSC
  • Other international organisations (eg. EFTA, CERN, etc)
  • Member State diplomatic embassies and consulates

if possible, the survey is launched simultaneously amongst all participating organisations.

Links to the 2021 Staff Housing Survey questionnaire: