In 2022, the share of the EU population that perceived the independence of the judiciary as very good or fairly good decreased by 1 percentage point (pp) compared with 2021 and was registered at 53%. The share of the EU population confident in the European Parliament remained steady compared with 2021 at 50% and rose above the 47% registered in 2017. 

These are two of the six indicators used to measure progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 16) ‘Peace, justice and strong institutions'. Monitoring SDG 16 in an EU context focuses on progress made in ensuring peace and personal security in the EU, in promoting access to justice and in increasing trust in EU institutions.

In the last five years, for which data are available, there were favourable trends for the EU, putting this goal at the top of the SDGs ranking once again in the latest SDG monitoring exercise. 


Infographic: SDG 16 in the EU, peace, justice and strong institutions

The share of population reporting crime, violence and vandalism in the EU neighbourhoods was 11% in 2021, down from 13% in 2016. 

At the same time, citizens’ confidence in EU institutions — the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Central Bank — has grown steadily.

When it comes to corruption, the average score of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) in the EU was 64 in 2021 while its value in the Member States varied significantly. The CPI, showing the perceived level of corruption of the public sector, ranged from 42 in Bulgaria to 88 in Denmark and Finland.


How is your country doing in this regard?

Do you know how many people in your country have confidence in the EU Parliament? Or what is the share of people in your country who have reported crime, violence or vandalism in their area?

The various visualisation tools in our interactive digital publication ‘SDGs & me’ will help you to easily explore and evaluate the situation of your country and compare it to others.

Select your country in the header below and choose different indicators of SDG 16:


Visualisation tool: Corruption Perceptions Index, 2012-2021


This news article marks International Anti-Corruption Day, celebrated on 9 December.