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Access to privately held data - European Statistical System (ESS)

Access to privately held data

The European Statistical System Committee endorsed at its meeting on 16 November a position paper on the issue of access to privately held data which are of public interest. The position paper outlines the potential of access to big data for statistical purposes, with significant benefits to be expected for the citizens, businesses and the society at large but also in terms of cost savings for public administrations and burden reduction for private companies. Ensuring an effective and sustainable access to new data sources will lead to the emergence of a new generation of trusted official statistics.

It invites the EU to take a strong policy initiative on this subject and points to the review of the Directive on the reuse of public sector information as providing the opportunity to tackle the issue of data access for official statistics and to establish a general principle of access to privately-held data which are of public interest as well as general conditions to ensure that such access is effective and sustainable.


For further information:

November 2017 Position paper on access to privately held data which are of public interest Opening up new data sources for a new generation of official statistics in light of the growing European Digital Single Market and the revision of the Public Sector Information Directive

Read more ESS position papers


