Retour How healthy do people in Europe feel?

29 mars 2018

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Logo Statistics Explained More than two-thirds (67.5%) of people aged 16 or over living in the European Union (EU) perceived their health status as very good or good in 2016. In contrast, less than a tenth (8.8%) assessed their level of health as bad or very bad in the same year.

The classification included five levels of self-perceived health status: very good, good, fair, bad and very bad.

Men tended to rate their health better than women, with 70.1% of men aged 16 or over in the EU perceiving their health as very good or good in 2016, compared to 65.2% for women.


Among the EU Member States, the highest share of the population aged 16 or over who perceived their health as good or very good was recorded in Ireland (82.8%), ahead of Cyprus (78.7%), the Netherlands (75.9%), Sweden (75.1%), Greece (74.0%), Belgium (73.7%), Malta (72.9%) and Spain (72.5%).

On the other hand, almost 1 in 5 persons aged 16 or over perceived their health as bad or very bad in Croatia (18.7%), followed by Lithuania (16.9%), Portugal (15.9%), Latvia (15.6%), Estonia (14.4%), Poland (13.6%) and Hungary (13.2%).


Self-perceived health, 2016

The source dataset can be found here.


This information is complemented with a detailed Statistics Explained article on self-perceived health statistics.

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