Retour New comparable household prices for electricity / gas

7 août 2018

© Birgit Reitz-Hofmann/

For the first time, Eurostat is publishing prices for electricity and natural gas that are fully comparable across countries. With the new data requested in Regulation (EU) 2016/1952, Eurostat is now able to calculate the weighted average price reflecting total household consumption. In the past, Eurostat used to publish the prices of a single band of consumption[1] for electricity and for gas but they were not the most representative bands in all the countries.

The prices for electricity and gas in the EU can vary according to a range of supply and demand conditions, including the geopolitical situation, the national energy mix, network costs and weather conditions. Among the 24 Member States that were able to provide the data, the price for electricity per kilowatt hour paid by households varied between 10 cent (Bulgaria) and 28 cent (Belgium). In the vast majority of the countries the price was between 10 and 20 cent per kilowatt hour.

The source dataset can be found here.


The price per kilowatt hour of household gas is generally lower than the price of household electricity and in 2017 ranged from 3 cent (Romania) to 12 cent (Sweden). In most of the 21 Member States that were able to provide the data, the price was below 8 cent per kilowatt hour. 

The source dataset can be found here.


[1] for household customers, 2,500-5,000 kilowatt hours for electricity and 5,555-55,555 kilowatt hours for gas


For more information:

Eurostat website section dedicated to energy statistics.

Eurostat Statistics Explained article on electricity price statistics.

Eurostat Statistics Explained article on gas price statistics. 

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