Back Gross value added decreased in all regions but four

21 February 2022

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In 2020, gross value added (GVA) decreased by 5.9% in the EU compared with 2019. The changes in the individual EU regions ranged from -22.2% in the South Aegean region in Greece to +10.7% in the Southern region of Ireland. GVA decreased in all regions except four: the three Irish regions and Mayotte, an overseas region in France.

This information comes from data on regional national accounts published by Eurostat today. 

 Source dataset:  nama_10r_2gvagr


The regions with the largest falls in GVA after the South Aegean region in Greece were the Balearic Islands in Spain (-21.7%), the Ionian Islands in Greece (-20.5%), and the Canary Islands in Spain (-18.1%).

In contrast, the other three regions with increases in GVA after the Southern region of Ireland were Eastern and Midland Ireland (+2.2%), Mayotte in France (+0.7%), and Northern and Western Ireland (+0.6%).
Regional GDP per capita ranged from 30% to 274% of the EU average in 2020

In 2020, regional GDP per capita, expressed in terms of national purchasing power standards (PPS), ranged from 30% of the EU average in Mayotte, France, to 274% in the Southern region of Ireland.

Source dataset: nama_10r_2gdp


The leading regions in the ranking of regional GDP per capita in 2020, expressed in terms of national PPS after the Southern region of Ireland were the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (263% of the EU average), Eastern and Midland Ireland (215%) and Brussels, Belgium (205%)

The high GDP per capita in these regions can be partly explained by a high inflow of commuting workers (Luxembourg and Brussels) or by the large number of assets owned by some multinationals domiciled in the regions (Southern, and Eastern and Midland Ireland).

In contrast, after Mayotte, the lowest regions in the ranking were all in Bulgaria: North-West (36% of the EU average), North-Central (37%), South-East (39%) and South-Central (40%). In the case of Mayotte, demographic factors mainly explain the low GDP per capita, since this was the region with the lowest median age in 2020 at 17.7 years.

For more information: 

  • In this article, the regional data are presented at NUTS 2 level. The names of the regions are in English. Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg and Malta are single regions at this level of detail.
  • Hungary and Poland: regional data on gross value added volume change in 2020 are not available.
  • For further methodological information, you can read the methodological file.
  • Eurostat manual on regional accounts methods
  • Eurostat website section dedicated to regional accounts
  • Eurostat database on regional accounts
  • Eurostat Regions and Cities Illustrated
  • Eurostat "My region" app

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