Zurück Love quizzes? Try Eurostat's

18. April 2017

© ImageFlow/Shutterstock.com

Do you know how many people live in the EU? Which EU Member State has the biggest area covered by forest? Which EU airport is the busiest? Find out the answers to these questions and many more with our new quiz.

Eurostat's fun quiz is designed to test and increase your knowledge of the EU and its Member States. The questions are organised in different statistical themes, for example population, economy, science, environment, energy, trade etc. You will have 3 minutes to complete it.

The more you know and the faster you reply to the multiple choice questions, the more points you can earn. When you finish, you will be able to compare your score with other participants.

Eurostat's quiz is available in 23 European languages and you can play as many times as you want. Dare to take our quiz and compete with your family and friends!

You can start playing here.