Zurück 1 in 4 deaths in the EU are due to cancer

22. November 2018

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In 2015, 1.3 million people died from cancer in the European Union (EU), which equated to more than one quarter (25.4 %) of the total number of deaths.

Among the EU Member States, the share of the total number of deaths which were due to cancer in 2015 exceeded 30.0 % in the Netherlands and Slovenia. In contrast, less than one fifth of all deaths in Bulgaria and Romania were caused by cancer.

Bar chart: Deaths due to cancer 2015 by Member State

At the EU level cancer accounted for 28.7 % of deaths among men compared with 22.1 % for women in 2015. In all EU Member States the share of deaths due to cancer among men was higher than the share for women.

The data source is here.


For more information:

  • More detailed statistics on deaths from cancer, cancer healthcare and the availability of specialist healthcare personnel and equipment for treating cancer can be found in this Statistics Explained article: Cancer statistics.
  • Statistics on a selection of the most common types of cancer are published in this Statistics Explained article: Cancer statistics – specific cancers.
  • Details of other statistical articles on health can be found here and a general overview of health statistics is available here.


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