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RTE-T, axes & projets prioritaires 2005

(14.896 KB)


RTE-T & dimension extérieure

|Lignes directrices concernant les transports en Europe et dans les pays voisins

|Rapport du Groupe à Haut Niveau II Loyola de Palacio

|Corridors paneuropéens


|Préparation à l’accession (TINA EU10)

|Traitées  d’accession (EU10)

|Bulgarie et Roumanie


|Croatie, FYR of Macedonia  

|Coopération régionale (Méditerranée, Balkanes occidentales, Mer Noir/ Caspienne)

|Coopération bilatérale (Russie, Ukraine)

|Europe du sud-est

Public consultation on the extension of the major Trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions

Consultation meeting
The meeting took place on the 5th of April 2005 with the different stakeholders
Results of the Public Consultation

The Commission would like to thank again the stakeholders for their contribution in the Public Consultation. As it was said in the meeting of the 5th of April, the Commission will take into account the comments when working further on these issues.

List of participants
Stakeholders presentations
Stakeholders contributions

Public consultation on the extension of the major trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions

Good transport connections between the European Union and its neighbours are essential for trade and economic development. Smooth, safe and secure transport systems reinforce sustainable economic growth and competitiveness and ensure free movement of people, goods and services.

High Level Group

Following a ministerial seminar on Wider Europe for Transport in Santiago de Compostela on 7-8 June 2004 ( Conclusions of the seminar), a High Level Group has been established to look into the above mentioned issues. Based on previous exercises such as the Trans-European Transport Network policies ( TEN-T Guidelines,  map) and the Pan-European Corridors and Areas ( Status report of the Pan-European Transport Corridors and Transport Areas,  map), the Group should identify a set of major transnational transport axes and priority projects on these axes. It will also analyse some horizontal issues such as safety and security, intermodality and interoperability, etc. The Group had its first meeting on 18-19 October 2004 and the second meeting was held on 29 November 2004. You will find more detailed information in the PowerPoint presentation:  TEN-T Policy and projects in the future.

Public Consultation

A public consultation has been opened on how to connect better the major Trans-European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions. It will remain open until the end of March. Stakeholders are invited to express their ideas and views. In order to guide your reflection, a  working document as well as a list of   questions to the stakeholders for the Public consultation   has been prepared.

You can reply by:

  • e-mail to TREN-TENT-extension@ec.europa.eu

  • postal address:
    European Commission
    Directorate General for Energy and Transport
    Unit B2 - TEN policies & technological
    B-1049 Brussels

The Commission reserves the possibility to make all comments public, unless the person submitting the comments expressly indicates otherwise.

List of documents:

 TEN-T Policy and projects in the future (slides presentation)

Public consultation working document

Conclusions of the seminar in Santiago de Compostela in June 2004

TEN-T Guidelines in the Official Journal

TEN-T map

 Status report of the Pan-European Transport Corridors and Transport Areas,  map

Public consultation - Questions to the stakeholders

Stakeholders presentations (max 3.700 Kb)

The Barents link by Jeanette Nilsson - North Sweden  (11.239 Kb)
Wider Europe by Ad Toet - CER Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies
South-East Europe Interconnection by Imre Antal Kocsis - South Transdanubian Regional Development Council
Freight & Logistics Leaders Forum by Armand Toubol
Chamber of Commerce Belgium-Luxembourg South-East Europe by Milan Jezic von Gesseneck
The Region of South Bohemia by Jan Zahradník
Wider Europe by john hultén - Baltic Gateway
Wider Europe by Sylvia Kuzmicz - PKP Polish Railway Lines
High Adriatic Sea Region by Franco Migliorini - Veneto Region Office
Galerie Evacuation Parafumee Escamotable by William Van Sprolant  - CvS Energies sarl
Axe Ferroviaire Rhin-Rhône Méditerranée Occidentale by Joan Amoros - FERRMED
The social impact of EU transport infrastructure policy by Critina Tilling - European Transport workers Federation
Major Trans-European Transport Axes by Theresia Hacksteiner - European Barge Union
Arc Latin et les Transports Intermodaux by Jean Bombin - Arc Latin
Sea Land Technology in intermodal transport by Carlo Camisetti - Integration Project Coordinator
Sicilia Role and Ports of Palermo and Augustia by Maria Carcasio - Transport and Communication Department Region of Sicilia

Stakeholders contributions (max 3.700 Kb)

Austria   Bulgaria  Croatia  Czech Republic   Finland  France  Germany  Holland  Hungary  Italy  Latvia  Norvay  Poland  Slovakia  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  United Kingdom  European Organizations

WWF international by Christine Bratrich
WWF Austria by Ulrich Eichelmann
Corridor VII by Otto Schwetz
City of Vienna by Rauter Andreas
City of Salzburg by Pucher Beate
Association of the Bulgarian Ports by Georgi Petkow
Green Action Friends of Earth Croatia by Ivan Posinjak
Czech Republic
Bankwatch network by Petr Hlobil
Region of South Bohemia by Petr Sebek
Finnish railway by Maarit Haavisto
FERRMED by Joan Amoros
City of Hamburg by Treder Michael
Friends of the Earth Germany by Viviane Raddatz
German Chamber of Trade Bremen by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Elbe-Weser-Raum by Astrid Hagen
German Chamber of Trade heilbron franken by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Kiel by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Lubeck by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Nordschwarzwald by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Oldenburg by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Osnabrück-Emsland by Astrid Hagenah
German Chamber of Trade Rhein-Neckar by Astrid Hagenah
German Ports by Klaus Heitmann
German Railway DB by Corinna Bonati
WWF Germany by Georg Rast
EBU, European Barge Union by Theresa Hacksteiner
Danube-Drava-Sava Euregional Cooperation by Pálmai Zsolt and Szasz Janos
Hungarian State Railways by Adam Livia
Arco Latino by Cesare Paonessa
European Freight & Logistics Leaders Forum by Franco Castagnetti
Finmeccanica by Brigitte Rivera
Regio Veneto by Lara Tassan Zanin
Union trasporti by Andrea Della Nabia
Unioncamere Veneto - Brussels delegation by Tania Wolski
WWF Mediterranean Programme Office by Antonelli Francesca
Latvian Transit Business Associations by Girts Verners
Latvian Transport Development and Education Association by Andris Gutmanis
Port of Riga by L Loginovs
Interreg IIIB project Northern Maritime Corridor by Ine Hilling
Nordland County Council by Per Strømhaug
Norwegian Transport Ministry by Ole Tollefsen
AirRail ECE by Boguslaw Jankowski
Central European Transport Corridor by Zygmunt Meyer
PKP Group by Stanisław Romański
WOLF association for nature by Sabina Nowak
Friends of the Earth Slovakia by Stefan Janco
ZSR slovak railway by Ladislav Mrva
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce by Alicia Casart Hualde
Port of Gijon by Moyano humberto
Railway axis Algeciras-Perpignan by Julian gacimartin
Special Railway Transport - Transfesa by Julian Gacimartin
VR Cargo Gacimartín by Julian Quiñones
Baltic gateway by John Hulten
European Corridor A-B by Gunnar Sibbmark
Interreg III B project NECL by Amnox Bjorn
Nykoping ostgotalanken by Katarina Svärdh
Paradigme AS by Morten Tveten
Skane Region by Heidi Huttunen
Sveriges Kommuner Och Landsting by Yttrande Johansson Håkan
The Barents Link by Jeanette Nilsson
CvS énergies sàrl  by William Van Sprolant
United Kingdom
Royal Society for Protection of Birds by Zoltan Waliczky
Scotland Interreg IIIB Northern Maritime Corridor by Alfred Baird
European Organizations
Association European Airlines by Ulrich-Strathaus
CLECAT by Leonardo Sorgeti
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies by Ad Toet
ECG - European Car-transport Group of interest by Denise Kwantes
European Federation for Transport and Environment by Markus Liechti
European Freight & Logistics Leaders Forum by Armand Toubol
European Transport Workers Federation by Cristina Tilling
Friends of the Earth Europe by Martin Ronecny
WWF European Policy Office by Eva Royo Gelabert


dernière mise à jour : 16-12-2008