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Le réseau transeuropéen de transport


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RTE-T, axes & projets prioritaires 2005

(14.896 KB)


RTE-T & dimension extérieure

|Lignes directrices concernant les transports en Europe et dans les pays voisins

|Rapport du Groupe à Haut Niveau II Loyola de Palacio

|Corridors paneuropéens


|Préparation à l’accession (TINA EU10)

|Traitées  d’accession (EU10)

|Bulgarie et Roumanie


|Croatie, FYR of Macedonia  

|Coopération régionale (Méditerranée, Balkanes occidentales, Mer Noir/ Caspienne)

|Coopération bilatérale (Russie, Ukraine)

|Europe du sud-est

On Wednesday, 5 March 2008, the Commission adopted the Communication on the "Progress of exploratory talks regarding cooperation in the field of transport with the neighbouring countries"

The talks are progressing well in all regions and there is broad support for the Commission's approach to develop international transport connections. In the Western Balkans the talks have been succesfully concluded and, in parallel to the Communication, the Commission proposed to the Council negotiating directives in view of a Transport Community in the Western Balkan region.

Press release  IP/08/382
Commission proposes a Transport Community with the Western Balkans and takes further steps in strengthening cooperation with neighbouring countries in the transport sector


dernière mise à jour : 16-12-2008