Emprego, Assuntos Sociais e Inclusão

EU Employment and Social Situation - Quarterly Review - March 2014

EU Employment and Social Situation - Quarterly Review - March 2014

According to this edition of the EU Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review, the recent and currently fragile economic recovery has not yet been able to create new jobs and the social situation in the EU shows little signs of improvement so far. The improved outcomes in the EU labour markets are still at best modest. Employment showed the first signs of stabilising in 2013, with a 0.1% growth in the second half of the year. This analysis also points to an expected increase in poverty levels and a slight improvement in the impact of social protection expenditure in 2013, even if its support effect remains very weak. The situation for households remains serious. The income that households have at their disposal is lagging behind the growth of Gross Domestic Product. It provides also empirical evidence that the crisis at its height had the strongest adverse impact on labour market transitions of men and young people.
This publication is available online in English only.
Please see the table of contents for supplements on labour market transitions, trends in poverty and social exclusion and trends in social expenditure.

Catalog N. : KE-BH-14-001-EN-N

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