Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie

Integrated support for the long-term unemployed in Europe - A study of national policies

Integrated support for the long-term unemployed in Europe - A study of national policies

This report by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) assesses the efforts of 35 countries to respond to the challenge of long-term unemployment.

Three key aspects are evaluated: the benefits and services put in place to help the long-term unemployed; the effective coordination between employment, social assistance and social services; the setting up of individualised and tailored support.

The experts highlight that the current response is not adequate to the scale of the problem in many countries and make recommendations aimed at improving the job prospects of the long-term unemployed and ensuring they live a decent life.

Country reports

Catalog N. : KE-01-15-974-EN-N

Verkrijgbaar bij  EU Publications
