Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Together for independent living

We should all be able to decide where, how and with whom we live. Yet for many persons with disabilities this is not possible, often because of a lack of services in the community, insufficient support for families and carers and inaccessible environments and services. The Covid-19 pandemic has shone a light on the challenges persons with disabilities face, whether they live in the community or in institutions. The Commission’s ten-year Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  addresses this inequality and sets out actions that will give persons with disabilities more control over this most fundamental aspect of their life.  

The Easy-to-read version of this text is available here.

The right support to live independently and be part of the community

Older woman in wheelchair holding hands with two young children. Text saying: together for independent living, #EUDisabilityRights, #UnionOfEquality.

More than one million persons with disabilities under 65 live in institutions in the EU. This figure rises to two million for people aged over 65. Some of them are separated from their community and don’t have enough say in their own lives. To give them back more control and allow them to live independently, services need to be improved. Persons with disabilities need accessible, affordable and tailored local services to live in their own home or with their families. This may look like regular care services, medical help at home, assistance for travelling or help managing their daily lives (budgeting, shopping, etc.). And this assistance needs to be available in rural more remote communities, not just in towns and cities.

The Strategy puts forward a series of actions to help persons with disabilities choose the way they live and take their rightful place in their community. Some are listed below.

  • The Commission will produce guidance on how to improve independent living by 2023.
  • EU countries should promote and finance accessible social housing for persons with disabilities and tackle the challenge  of homelessness among persons with disabilities.
  • The Commission will also produce a framework for Social Services of Excellence for persons with disabilities by 2024 to improve the help available. It will also look at how to make this sector a more appealing place to work given its importance.
  • EU countries should use the good practices that have been identified to ensure that the move from an institution to a more independent life in the community is successful.

It’s society’s responsibility to make sure persons with disabilities can make real choices about where and with whom they live.

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