Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion




Treatment, coverage & costs


  • You may consult any doctor. All doctors who are authorised to work in Luxembourg have an automatic contract with the Caisse nationale de santé (CNS).
  • Charges for seeing a doctor vary. Make sure you are given a receipt for any amount you pay.
  • You do not need a referral to see a specialist.
  • You must present your valid European Health Insurance Card.


  • You may consult any dentist as they all work under the public healthcare system.
  • Dental care is fully reimbursed up to annual amount of €77.35. Beyond this coverage, it is reimbursed at the rate of 88% for adults and 100% for children under 18 years of age. Specific reimbursement rates and conditions apply for dental prostheses.
  • For some dental treatment, you must seek approval from the CNS in advance.
  • In certain situations, doctors and dentists can charge additional fees for personal convenience (CP codes), provided the insured person was previously informed and gave their consent. The additional fees for personal conveniences are not reimbursed by the CNS; the insured person will bear the full cost.

Hospital treatment

  • All hospitals in Luxembourg have a contract with the Caisse nationale de santé (CNS). You must, however, present your valid European Health Insurance Cards upon admission.
  • For hospital treatment, in-patients pay a non-refundable standard daily fee.
  • This standard daily fee does not apply to children under 18.
  • This standard daily fee does not apply to mothers during the first 12 days after having given birth.
  • There may also be a charge payable directly to the treating doctor, which will then have to be presented to the CNS for reimbursement.
  • You have to pay for any optional extras, e.g. a single room.


  • You can take your prescription to any pharmacy in Luxembourg.
  • Some prescriptions must be authorised by the Caisse nationale de santé (CNS) before you are given the medicine.
  • How much you are reimbursed depends on the medicine required. You should therefore ask the doctor whether you need to contact the CNS.
  • Medicines are covered at the rate of 40%, 80% or 100%, if they are included in the list of medications, updated and published on a monthly basis.


  • Emergency ambulance transport (provided by the Emergency Medical Aid Services - SAMU) is free of charge for persons with a valid European Health Insurance Card or replacement certificate.
  • Non-emergency transport by public services under the jurisdiction of the State or the municipalities is covered up to 70% of the bills. Non-emergency transport by any other type of ambulance service is covered up to 70% of the bills, which are established on the basis of €1.29/km, with a minimum amount of €39,07 per trip. Only transportation arriving at or departing from a hospital is covered and the medical prescription must indicate that, for medical reasons, the patient needs to be transported in a reclining or semi-reclined position.


A claim for reimbursement should be addressed to the Luxembourg National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé – CNS).

Caisse nationale de santé (CNS)
L-2980 Luxembourg
Tel: + 352 27 57 - 1
Email: cns@secu.lu

  • You may not be reimbursed in full as some state-covered healthcare in Luxembourg must be paid for in part by the patient.
  • You will need to submit the original bill and a proof of payment to the CNS to be reimbursed. Also needed are a copy of your European Health Insurance Card, your address of residence and your bank details (in the form of a certificate of banking details or relevé d'identité bancaire, RIB, issued by your bank). Confirmation of your refund will be sent to your home address.
  • Keep copies of anything you send for your records.
  • If you were unable to submit a claim during your stay, contact your national health insurance provider once you return home.

Patient contribution

  • A doctor's appointment – Charges for seeing a doctor vary. Based on the official tariffs, the coverage is usually 88% for adults and 100% for children and youngsters under 18. Make sure you are given a receipt for any amount you pay.
  • A doctor's visit at home – Adults will have to pay 20% of the minimum cost of a home visit.
  • For hospital treatment, in-patients pay a non-refundable standard daily fee of currently €25.50 (this standard daily fee does not apply to children under 18. Furthermore, it is limited to a maximum of 30 days per calendar year).
  • Dental treatment – Beyond an annual amount of €77.35 fully reimbursed, dental care is reimbursed at the rate of 88% for adults and 100% for children under 18 years of age. Specific reimbursement rates and conditions apply for dental prostheses.
  • Others: see section 'Treatment, coverage and costs'

Dialysis, oxygen & chemotherapy

How do I apply for an EHIC?

Persons insured in Luxembourg can order their card by using an electronic application form.

Doctors & hospitals accepting the EHIC

All doctors who are authorised to work in Luxembourg have an automatic contract with the Caisse nationale de santé (CNS).

Loss of card

Contacts for holders of EHICs issued in Luxembourg

Caisse nationale de santé
Tel: + 352 27 57 - 1
Email: cns@secu.lu

Order by using the contact form.

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