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Marie Curie Reintegration Grants

Call Identifier:
Publication Date:
Deadline Date:
08-10-2009 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Intermediate deadlines(s):
02-04-2009 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Specific Programme(s):
Marie-Curie Actions
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    1. Additional information

  • Preliminary evaluation results can be found under Additional Documents

  • Please note that the Guides for Applicants for this call have been modified as follows:
    The IRG Guides for Applicants has been updated in the section on Eligibility criteria; and for a description of referee assessments.
    The ERG Guide for Applicants had had the "Marie Curie Excellence Grants (EXT)" and "International Incoming fellowship (IIF)" added to the list of eligible actions; and a description of referee assessments added.

  • After the second cut-off date (8 October 2009), the call remains open until a subsequent call is published but no longer than 31 December 2009 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time).
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    2. Latest Information

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    3. Information Package

    Download all documents
    (EN only, incl. the additional docs.)
    • Call Fiche en
    • work programme (revised 1 July 2009) en
    • Guide for Applicants (International Reintegration Grants - IRG) en
    • Guide for Applicants (European Reintegration Grants - ERG) en
    • FP7 Factsheets bg cs da de el en es et fi fr hu it lt lv nl pl pt ro sk sl sv
    • Explanatory Note on the changes to the 2009 People Work Programme en
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    4. Additional Documents

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    5. Electronic Proposal Submission

    No submission system is open for this call.

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    6. Get Support