
Projects Database

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Polish pasta producer gets boost with new research equipment

Thanks to an EU-funded project, pasta manufacturer POL-MAK, based in Lubelskie, Poland, was able to buy new research and development equipment that allowed it to analyse and thus improve the quality of its products. In addition, the company now provides this research service to other manufacturing companies.

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EGALURG: Equal access to emergency care in the France-Spain cross-border area

The EGALURG project is a network of French and Spanish hospitals and universities working to ensure equal access to emergency and disaster healthcare in the mountainous cross-border region. It is overcoming legal barriers to cross-border cooperation in healthcare, conducting training, and promoting technological development and innovation. The aim is to ensure that people living in isolated, mountainous territory between France and Spain have equal access to emergency healthcare for serious accidents, crises or disasters.

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Better medical training for students in Gdańsk and Słupsk will ensure a healthier society

New laboratories, training facilities and resources will help equip students at the Medical University of Gdańsk and the Emergency Medicine Department at the Pomeranian University in Słupsk with the skills to cope with changing healthcare needs, such as chronic diseases and an increasing number of elderly patients. Training will include e-health and telemedicine, and new courses in pharmacy and cosmetics. The overall aim is to improve the quality of education and ensure graduates can contribute to maintaining a healthy, productive society.

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New centre brings medical research and treatment together in Zagreb, Croatia

Construction of the Centre of Competence for Translational Medicine (CCTM) will provide Croatia with a world-class facility that specialises in researching and treating common and chronic diseases in children and adolescents. The project extends the Children's Hospital in Srebrnjak, on the outskirts of  Zagreb, through the construction of a 14 523 m2 building. In addition, essential medical and research equipment will be purchased.

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Relief for nickel allergy sufferers thanks to Polish firm’s innovation

People suffering from an allergy to nickel, a metal present in many everyday items, now have the means to prevent the unpleasant symptoms, thanks to Polish firm KF Niccolum. EU-funding helped the Warsaw-based developer of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products conduct studies to verify the barrier effect of a new active substance to be used in its products. The safe, non-toxic ingredients can be applied as a cream or a spray. The result is an end to the common symptoms of contact dermatitis, like itching, burning, rashes, or oozing blisters.

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Improving emergency response in the Romania-Serbia cross-border area

Two neighbouring communities on the Romania-Serbia border are benefitting from a project to improve their ability to respond to and cope with natural emergencies such as floods, heavy snow and forest fires. The EESM (Efficiency in Emergency Situations Management) project paid for the construction of an emergency management centre in Mosna, Serbia. It provided a range of emergency vehicles and equipment – resources to be shared with the Sisesti Commune in Romania. Volunteer staff were trained as part of this EU-funded cross-border venture.

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Upgrades to Rijeka’s water infrastructure underway

Improvements are being made to the municipal waste water collection and treatment, and water supply infrastructure in Rijeka – Croatia’s third-largest city with a population of approximately 190 000 – under an EU-funded project due to be completed in late 2023. The objectives of the project are to increase connection rates to the public sewerage system, provide for adequate levels of waste water treatment and reduce water losses from the supply network.

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Cross-border project between Sweden and Denmark tackles infertility

According to the World Health Organisation, 15 to 20 % of all couples experience infertility, which is a huge medical and social problem. A cross-border project covering the Öresund region of Denmark and Sweden is examining this issue and aims to become a world leader in overcoming infertility by developing new prevention strategies and more effective treatments. And thanks to specially designed agreement, patients can cross the border to find the most effective help. 

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