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Environment and green economy

Environment and green economy

World Circular Economy Forum 2019

Hosted by Finnish innovation fund SITRA. Circular economy solutions, strong private sector participation, latest developments on circular economy. Focus theme: Low-carbon circular economy.

Welcome to 'zero carbon resorts' for sustainable tourism

Climate change, sustainable tourism development, vulnerable countries: a proven methodology applicable to all SMEs active in the tourism sector, whatever innovation stage they have reached, is helping to tackle this major challenge of our time.

Increasing livelihood opportunities for sesame farmers through eco-agriculture production in northern Uganda

This project implemented in the Northern region of Uganda in 2015-2017 aimed to change sesame production and consumption management with a view to reducing its negative environmental impacts. The Eco-Agriculture-Sesame project promoted eco-agriculture and an inclusive green economy, and contributed to increasing livelihood opportunities for sesame farmers, most of them women and young people.

DEVCO Environment Week 2018: Supporting the transition towards sustainability

Over 100 staff from EU Delegations, development practitioners and experts gathered in Brussels from 14 to 19 October 2018 at the DEVCO Environment Week 2018, in order to discuss environment policy developments and exchange knowledge about key environmental issues. Organised by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) of the European Commission, the week focused on exploring ways to strengthen the environmental dimension of EU cooperation.

EIB conference on the Circular Economy

One of the 2018 reference events on circular economy with leading representatives from the industry, European Commission, the financing sector and circular economy project promoters

World Circular Economy Forum

The WCEF presents the world’s best circular economy solutions and will bring together 1 000 key thinkers and doers from around the world.

New tutorial video on Rio markers launched

The European Commission launches its tutorial video on ‘Rio markers’, a motion graphic film illustrating the procedure to measure, monitor and report on environment and climate-relevant financial support to developing countries.

Cleaning up in the fight against climate change

Mayor Pam Belcher-Taylor is a woman on a mission. She has vowed to clean up Paynesville, a vast suburb east of the Liberian capital, Monrovia. She is being helped by a EUR 4.6 million Global Climate Change Alliance+ programme to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and give access to sanitation through a more effective waste management system.

Training on Greening EU Development Cooperation

DG DEVCO C2 and C6 are organising a two-day training session on environment and climate change entitled "Towards Sustainable Development: Greening EU Development Cooperation" on 7-8 June in Brussels.

Mainstreaming environment and climate change in the energy sector - Training

In line with the new European Consensus on Development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the European Commission’s DG for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is committed to supporting sustainable energy in developing countries. Most development cooperation programmes in the energy sector focus on promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency, thus making a significant contribution to climate change mitigation.

EU development funding for environment and climate change

The EU is committed to spending 20% of its total budget for 2014-2020 on climate change. This article presents the state of play with regard to actual financial contributions by the European Commission’s DG International Cooperation & Development (DEVCO) to climate change and other environmental objectives over the past four years (2014-2017), based on data from the Environment and Climate Change Mainstreaming Facility (DEVCO C2-C6), with particular attention to the energy sector.

DEVCO Environment Week 24-28 September 2018 (dates to be confirmed)

This thematic seminar targets colleagues in EU delegations and DEVCO Headquarters who are interested in environment and natural resources related matters (heads of cooperation, heads of sections, programme officers from EU delegations; colleagues from DEVCO geographic units and other thematic units; colleagues from line DGs, like Environment and climate change).