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Priorities in 2019: environment in future EU cooperation programmes and a post-2020 biodiversity framework

Chantal Marijnissen, Head of Unit (Environment, Natural Resources and Water), introduces the 10th edition of Green Development News.

Chantal Marijnissen, Head of Unit DEVCO C2. Environment, Natural Resources, Water

date:  14/02/2019

It is my pleasure to introduce this year’s first edition of Green Development News. This year is going to be particularly important for shaping future EU international cooperation and development action. Three highlights in the final quarter of 2018 have set the scene for our priorities in 2019.

At the UN Biodiversity Conference 2018, the international community committed to start working on a post-2020 global biodiversity framework to address the drivers of biodiversity loss while creating a win-win outcome for people and nature. Until the next conference in 2020 in China (‘Beijing 2020’), an agreement involving 196 states for a new architecture to halt biodiversity loss has to be found. This so-called ‘New Deal for Nature’ is already creating a lot of interest among the global business community, according to news from the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos. Recent scientific evidence has also highlighted alarming losses of ecosystems and biodiversity, and calls for urgent action. The EU has an important role to play. (Read more.)

At the 24th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, countries agreed on the so-called Paris Rulebook. This is a set of methods, procedures and guidelines aimed at putting the 2018 Paris Agreement into practice and ensuring that countries ‘walk the talk’. In particular, it determines how emissions will be cut and how finance will be provided to developing countries. The Paris Rulebook provides a clear framework for the implementation of National Determined Contributions and for EU support to climate action in partner countries.

The second edition of DEVCO Environment Week was a great success. Over 100 EU staff from 65 EU Delegations, headquarters of the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), including the Director General and two Deputy Director Generals, and other services of the European Commission participated. High-level speakers included Robert Watson, chairman of IPBES, and Janez Potočnik, co-chair of the International Resource Panel and former EU Commissioner. The focus of the event was to explore ways to strengthen the environmental dimension of EU cooperation programmes for the period 2021-2027. (Read more.)

With a view towards future programmes and Beijing 2020, the Unit for Environment, Natural Resources and Water in DG DEVCO has set its priorities for 2019. This year is going to see increased attention to laying the foundation for a more effective integration of the environment in DEVCO cooperation programmes in 2021-2027. In the context of European Commission proposals for a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2021-2027) and the implementation of the External Investment Plan (EIP), efforts will be made to ensure a strong environmental dimension in future programmes and investments.

Next to intensifying the groundwork for future programming, our 2019 priorities 2019 include:

  • Working effectively towards an ambitious global post-2020 framework for biodiversity and enhancing action to combat wildlife trafficking.
  • Supporting the transition towards green economies in partner countries, including promoting green investments in the context of the EIP.
  • Stepping up EU action against illegal logging, deforestation and forest degradation.
  • Enhancing water cooperation and investments in water, with a special focus on the water, energy and food security nexus.
  • Mainstreaming environment and climate change into all areas of EU cooperation, notably programmes and investments.

In this context, this edition of the Green Development News provides you with an update on recent developments on biodiversity, forests, water and climate change. Moreover, several exciting project stories from the field are presented, including an article about efforts to promote sustainable tourism in Africa through the EU SWITCH Africa Green Initiative. (Read more.)

Together with all the team of DEVCO Units C2 and C6, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best for this year. Hoping that it will bring a lot of progress towards an ambitious New Deal for Nature - and people!


Chantal Marijnissen
Head of Unit – Environment, Natural Resources and Water,
Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO)