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Sustainable wood-based value chains can support a green transition in partner countries

Global forest-based value chains, with around 5 000 different wood products, generate an annual value of EUR 1 300 billion and support the livelihoods of one billion, mostly rural, people. A real opportunity exists to produce more from less, with more efficient use of raw materials for higher value products. DG INTPA will host a webinar to explore this issue in September 2022.

Introducing forest partnerships

View a short video about forest partnerships prepared by the EU Technical Assistance Facility for Improving Sustainable Forest Management (Forests For the Future Facility/F4).

The European Green Deal goes global

Over 100 colleagues from 83 EU Delegations and EU Headquarters in Brussels attended DEVCO Environment and Climate Change Week to discuss the new European Commission policy priorities and how to strengthen environment and climate change dimensions in EU external cooperation, in particular in light of the next programming phase.

DEVCO Environment Week 2018: Supporting the transition towards sustainability

Over 100 staff from EU Delegations, development practitioners and experts gathered in Brussels from 14 to 19 October 2018 at the DEVCO Environment Week 2018, in order to discuss environment policy developments and exchange knowledge about key environmental issues. Organised by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) of the European Commission, the week focused on exploring ways to strengthen the environmental dimension of EU cooperation.

Ghana visits Indonesia to learn FLEGT licensing lessons

With Ghana moving towards full implementation of its Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the EU on illegal logging, representatives of its forest sector stakeholders have visited Indonesia to learn about its experiences of reaching that goal.