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In brief: more DEVCO environment and climate change news

Further news items on climate, energy and forest-related issues. It's been a busy few months!

date:  10/03/2020

Launch of new call for projects under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility

Submissions to the 7th Call opened on 1 April 2020 and run until 3pm CEST on 1 September 2020. Through this competitive Call, the NAMA (nationally appropriate mitigation actions) Facility continues to support developing countries and emerging economies in implementing the most ambitious NAMAs with high potential for transformational change towards a carbon-neutral future.

Read more:

New: quick tips guide on activities that qualify for ‘Rio markers’ in the sustainable energy sector

The European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) has produced a new short publication with practical examples on how to use Rio markers to track environmental and climate-related financial flows in actions carried out in the sustainable energy sector, according to a methodology adopted by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). It is designed to support DG DEVCO and EU Delegation staff with integrating environment and climate change into sectoral programming.

Link to guide:

Study into how legal frameworks shape forest-related climate change targets

The European Forest Institute’s EU REDD Facility, in collaboration with Inovasi Bumi (INOBU) and Climate Focus, is carrying out a study to determine how legal frameworks could contribute to reducing deforestation in Indonesia. Its objective is to provide insights into how legal frameworks could be clarified, strengthened and implemented to help Indonesia achieve its 2030 emissions reduction targets. Reducing deforestation in Indonesia would help the country to achieve the forest-related targets in its nationally determined contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement on climate change. The study will also examine the supporting role that trade and supply chain-related measures can play to provide incentives for legal compliance.

Read more on the EU REDD Facility website.

Women in Malawi fight energy poverty

Thanks to Christian Aid’s EU-funded Breaking the Barriers Programme, Malawian women are tackling energy poverty through new sustainable businesses and speaking out on energy policy change. Women are lobbying to increase rural electrification and the parliament has passed legislation to remove import duty on solar products to increase access to alternative energy sources. The Breaking the Barriers programme supports 197 women’s groups across Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Honduras and Malawi to establish sustainable energy businesses and promote gender equality, start enterprises and lobby for changes in energy policy.

Read the story from Malawi:

Digital Energy Facility set to boost the digital revolution in the energy sector

 The Digital Energy Facility (DEF) has been deployed under two contracts signed with AFD on 23 December 2019 totalling EUR 23.5 million in EU contribution. Mainstreaming the digital revolution throughout the energy industry can contribute to a more efficient energy sector, socio-economic development and climate change mitigation. DEF aims to modernise and digitalise the energy sector, promote innovative business models and establish the necessary preconditions for increased access to sustainable energy worldwide, with a specific focus on Africa. This will be achieved through improved performance of 5 to 10 power utilities with a view to reduce grid losses and enhance grid efficiency. Support will benefit at least 40 private companies focused on digital solutions through an energy digital innovation platform, public-private partnerships, early stage financing for digital-energy start-ups, and contingent debt financing for 10 to 15 energy access companies to experiment and scale up innovative services or products. The facility aims to provide 1 million people with new/improved access to energy, create 1000 new jobs and reduce GHG emissions by 100,000 tCO2eq/year.

Green solutions to sustainability challenges

The new DEVCO publication “Supporting the Circular Economy – Illustrations from the EU SWITCH programmes” takes us on a journey through selected economic sectors, with a view to inspiring and encouraging a switch to green, notably circular, practices. Facts and figures on the economic and environmental impacts of greener practices explain the challenges that each sector faces. Infographics and animated illustrations complement stories, each showcasing successful green economy projects with strong replication potential.

Download the brochure on green economy approaches or view online here.