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DEVCO Environment Week 2018: Supporting the transition towards sustainability

Over 100 staff from EU Delegations, development practitioners and experts gathered in Brussels from 14 to 19 October 2018 at the DEVCO Environment Week 2018, in order to discuss environment policy developments and exchange knowledge about key environmental issues. Organised by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) of the European Commission, the week focused on exploring ways to strengthen the environmental dimension of EU cooperation.

date:  14/02/2019

The week’s programme included wide-ranging thematic sessions on key environmental issues, regional meetings, policy dialogue training, and networking events. The thematic sessions covered topics such as biodiversity, forests, green economy, water, sustainable landscape management, environment and climate change mainstreaming, and sustainable cities, and featured experts and speakers from European institutions as well as partner organisations. By combining informative and interactive parts, each session included updates on environmental issues, hands-on debates and an exchange of experience from the field.

One highlight of the week was a training session for EU delegations on policy dialogue as a tool to support domestic reforms in partner countries. It focused on the challenges and opportunities of policy dialogue related to environment and climate change. In the course of regional meetings, participants had the opportunity to discuss with colleagues those environmental issues that are important in their region. The week’s programme aimed to create ample space for participants to share lessons learned and success stories and to discuss common challenges and how to address them.

Group discussion at DEVCO Environment Week 2018

Small groups discussed regional priorities and challenges

Over the week the following messages emerged: the state of the global environment and climate is alarming and requires a fundamental shift to sustainable development pathways that are compatible with the planet's ecological boundaries. At the same time, it is evident that a healthy planet is the foundation of lasting prosperity, human well-being and peace; and that the transition to low-carbon green economies creates huge opportunities for investment and job creation. Business as usual is no longer an option and Europe has a leading role to play. Therefore, the environmental sustainability of all dimensions of EU cooperation has to be strengthened and the transition to green inclusive development pathways in partner countries supported. The overarching objective is to end poverty and to increase human well-being within our planetary boundaries.

Looking towards future programmes, participants indicated the importance of integrated approaches and the benefits of ambitious financial targets for climate and environment; and the need to harness synergies between job creation, growth and enhanced environmental sustainability.

"In our work we do not face conflicting priorities, but all our priorities, such as gender, education, job creation and environmental protection, are part of one Rubik's Cube on sustainable development that we are about to solve," Koen Doens, Deputy Director-General of DEVCO said. The EU has high ambitions to lead the global transition towards sustainability, including through the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2021-2027) and the implementation of the External Investment Plan (EIP).

Plenary at DEVCO Environment Week 2018










With over 100 participants, the second edition of the DEVCO Environment Week was a great success

The main conclusions and recommendations were presented during the closing session chaired by Marjeta Jager, Deputy Director-General of DEVCO: they can be found here (together with a report of the week). An important part of DEVCO Environment Week 2018 was also to further develop a network of environment and climate change focal points among the participants from over 65 different EU Delegations, DEVCO headquarters and other services of the European Commission, including staff from the Directorate-Generals for Neighbourhood (NEAR), Environment (ENV) and Climate Action (CLIMA). Ideas for follow-up include more training and support, in particular on the EIP and investment opportunities, and to give more prominence to environment and climate change issues in policy dialogue, investment and budget support operations.






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