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New tutorial video on Rio markers launched

The European Commission launches its tutorial video on ‘Rio markers’, a motion graphic film illustrating the procedure to measure, monitor and report on environment and climate-relevant financial support to developing countries.

date:  05/10/2018

Rio markers are used to indicate whether a project or programme contributes to biological diversity, to combating desertification, to climate change mitigation and/or adaptation.

Rio Markers were established in 1998 by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD-DAC) as a set of indicators to measure policy compliance through the monitoring of development financial flows targeting the themes of the conventions conceived in the lead-up to the 1992 Rio Conference on Environment and Development, known as the ‘Rio Conventions’:

  1. the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);
  2. the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and
  3. the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

The developed country Parties to the three Rio Conventions have committed themselves to assist developing countries in the implementation of these Conventions, providing financial and technical resources for this purpose.

OECD members, such as the European Commission, use Rio markers to convert qualitative data into quantitative data, to report on their contributions to climate change, biodiversity and combating desertification.

Watch the video to learn how to use Rio markers

For further practical guidance click here: capacity4dev