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DEVCO Environment Week 24-28 September 2018 (dates to be confirmed)

This thematic seminar targets colleagues in EU delegations and DEVCO Headquarters who are interested in environment and natural resources related matters (heads of cooperation, heads of sections, programme officers from EU delegations; colleagues from DEVCO geographic units and other thematic units; colleagues from line DGs, like Environment and climate change).

date:  16/01/2018

The seminar will cover key areas of our work, including biodiversity, land, water, forests, green economy and pollution, environment and climate change mainstreaming, financing, and the links with EU priorities like growth and jobs, security, gender, resilience and migration.  It will aim at (i) providing staff in EU Delegations and headquarters with a greater understanding of key environment related issues and recent policy developments in order to strengthen the environmental dimension of EU development cooperation, both at policy and programme level, (ii) Discussing key policy issues in order to strengthen policy work, (iii) Exchange information and experience and (iv) Provide guidance on existing services and tools, and strengthen the collaboration between headquarters and EU Delegations on environment related topics.

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