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Training on Greening EU Development Cooperation

DG DEVCO C2 and C6 are organising a two-day training session on environment and climate change entitled "Towards Sustainable Development: Greening EU Development Cooperation" on 7-8 June in Brussels.

date:  07/06/2018 - 08/06/2018

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change demand a radical acceleration of efforts to mainstream environment and climate change into EU international cooperation. DG DEVCO is stepping up its efforts on mainstreaming and has published guidelines on this matter.

We invite colleagues to register for this training that gives an overview of policy commitments, tools and methods for the integration of environment and climate change in the EU project and programme management cycle. The participants will learn about entry points, opportunities and challenges for integrating environment and climate change in EU development cooperation.

The training is open to DG DEVCO and DG NEAR staff managing ENI cooperation, both in Delegations and Headquarters. It is also open (according to availability of seats), to colleagues from the "Relex family" (ECHO, TRADE, FPI, ECFIN, EEAS and all other NEAR staff).

The target audience of the course are colleagues from delegations and headquarters who are involved in environment and climate relevant sectors such as agriculture, energy, water and sanitation, private sector development, transport, trade, health, education and governance.

The training audience also includes colleagues from delegations and headquarters overseeing an environmental or climate change portfolio, which are expected to take an active role in the training.

Participants from the EC, EEAS and Delegations can register via EU Learn:,status,course-content-learning-form,skills,location,free-places,idd,price&catalogId=115382&templateId=13984222&employeeId=-1&programmeId=-1

For any questions on the content of the course, please contact Bernard Crabbé ( or Sofia Martinez (