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Overview   Event

Webinar on EFSD + Gender Bonds

This webinar aims to provide EFSD+ investment officers with practical knowledge and tools to understand the role of gender bonds and motivate them to take an active role in helping spur the growth of this innovative financial instrument to bolster women’s empowerment and meet crucial sustainable development targets.

OPSYS - Onboarding webinar for AUDIT 2023 Framework Contractors

From December 2023, the OPSYS ecosystem will be used to implement the Specific Contracts under AUDIT 2023 Framework Contracts across all stages of implementation. This includes requests for services, clarifications of requests, submission of offers, evaluation, signature of Specific Contracts and management of the contracts (including amendments).

EFSD+ Gender Smart Climate Finance

This webinar aims at facilitating practical knowledge of gender smart climate finance through the presentation of real climate adaptation and mitigation investments that delivers on gender equality and where women are leading on climate action. A gender smart climate investment delivers both climate outcomes and promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment. The event will take place on 21 September 2023, from 14h00-14h45 (CET).

ESSweb7: Communicating your evaluation

Is the dissemination phase important for an evaluation? What are the main types of dissemination products available? Who should be the target group for the dissemination phase? This webinar aims to explain the importance of the dissemination phase to communicate your evaluation results, share the results of an ESS study on the subject and provide examples of good dissemination products used by EU Delegations and Units.

OPSYS - Série de Webinaires sur la Collecte de Données sur les Résultats pour les Partenaires de Mise en Œuvre

Cette année, pour la première fois, la collecte annuelle de données des résultats se fera entièrement dans OPSYS. Pour soutenir les partenaires de mise en œuvre, l’équipe de gestion du changement OPSYS (DG INTPA R5) en collaboration avec DG INTPA D4, DG NEAR A4 et FPI4 vous invite pour une série de webinaires trilingues sur la campagne de collecte de données des résultats dans OPSYS.

InfoPoint Hybrid Conference: How to optimise African diaspora engagement in local development?

The aim of this conference, which will take place in a hybrid mode on Thursday 29 September, is to present the main outcomes of a study that has been launched by the Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT), a pan-European Diaspora network established in 2017 and based in Brussels. The speakers will present lessons learnt from case studies and the research review, including main finding on diaspora organisations’ impact, limiting and enabling factors, key support and recommendations to stakeholders from NGOs to development agencies.