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Widening gap between the rich and poor in European cities

The widening gap between rich and poor is leading to segregation in more and more European cities. The rich and the poor are living at increasing distance from each other, and this can be disastrous for the social stability and competitive power of cities. These are the conclusions of joint research of Prof. Maarten van Ham, ERC grantee at Delft University of Technology, and Prof. Tiit Tammaru, Dr. Szymon Marcińczak and Prof. Sako Musterd.

Horizon 2020. First results.

Horizon 2020 is the EU’s biggest ever programme for research and innovation, and it has got off to an excellent start. This brochure presents information on the first 100 calls for proposals that closed by 1 December 2014.

Horizon 2020 indicators. Assessing the results and impact of Horizon

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever. Almost €80 billion of funding is available over seven years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private and national public investment that this money will attract. This publication presents the full set of Key Performance and Cross-Cutting Issues Indicators for Horizon 2020, including those for the European Institute of Technology and EURATOM.

21 new H2020 High Performance Computing projects

Following the call for proposals "Towards exascale high performance computing" 21 projects have been selected and are starting in autumn 2015. The aim of the call was to attract projects that can achieve world-class extreme scale computing capabilities in platforms, technologies and applications.

Graphene supercurrents go ballistic

Researchers with Europe’s Graphene Flagship have demonstrated superconducting electric currents in the two-dimensional material graphene that bounce between sheet edges without scattering. This first direct observation of the ballistic mirroring of electron waves in a 2d system with supercurrents could lead to the use of graphene-based Josephson junctions in applications such as advanced digital logic circuits, ultrasensitive magnetometers and voltmeters.

50 groundbreaking scientists who are changing the way we see the world

Business Insider UK compiled a list of 50 scientists from across the globe who are changing the world for the better. Katrin Amunts, working at Jülich Research Centre (DE) has been nominated for her work on the "BigBrain", which aims to create a 3D atlas of the human brain and should lead to unprecedented insights into the construction and organization of the brain and how it drives our behavior. She is co-leader of the Strategic Human Brain Data subproject.

The Human Brain Project at ISC 2015 (July 2015)

The ISC High Performance is the world's oldest High Performance Computing (HPC) community event, presenting the latest HPC technological developments and their application in research and commercial environments. This year the conference celebrated its 30th anniversary with about 2800 participants from 56 countries ( July 12 to July 16, 2015).

ERC announces its 2016 budget and grant competitions

The European Commission adopted yesterday the ERC Work Programme 2016. The programme foresees €1.67 billion for grants to top researchers. Within the new series of competitions, the ERC has opened today the first one, the call for Starting Grants 2016, with a budget of €485 million and deadline of 17 November 2015. This scheme is open to researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience since completion of PhD and a promising scientific track record.

How disability can pioneer architectural innovation

Disability is often associated with access legislation rather than a source of creativity for architects. With her ERC grant, Prof. Ann Heylighen wanted to reverse this perspective. Her findings suggest that disability can be a valuable source of innovative solutions in architecture by extending prevailing ways of understanding space and designing buildings.

What cosmic rays tell us about thunderstorms on Earth

When Prof. Heino Falcke obtained an ERC grant to study and identify the sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, back in 2008, he could not imagine that his research would provide an important clue to better understand lightning and thunderclouds much closer to us.

Renewable packaging from agriculture waste

Prof. Emma Master works on new enzymes and proteins that can be used to produce renewable materials from plant fibres. Her findings could boost the biochemical and bioplastics markets.

Horizon 2020 Statistics - the first 100 calls

By 1 December 2014 the first 100 calls had closed. What can we tell about the popularity of the programme, the success of SMEs, the degree to which the programme has attracted newcomers - both as participants and as expert evaluators - the proportion of women experts and the speed with which contracts have been signed? See this new page to find out more!

FET Newsletter edition July 2015

Latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research: funding opportunities, latest Project news, reporting on workshops & conferences, future events.

21st EARMA Annual Conference 2015

This year the theme for the conference is Global Outreach: Enabling Cultures and Diversity in Research Management and Administration. This theme reflects the growing need and ambition to reach out and get connected and work together globally. Cooperating not only in the field of scientific research & innovation and higher education but also in the field of research management and administration.

Conflicted consumers: anxiety and food decisions

Surveys such as the 2010 Eurobarometer show that people around Europe are worried about what they eat and where it comes from. But what causes this? And does it affect behaviour? An EU-funded project studied consumer choices about shopping, cooking and eating – offering a more accurate picture of what shapes their decisions. The results could lead to better-informed policies on health, sustainability and business.

Graphene Week 2015

The conference is commissioned by the Graphene Flagship, with support from the University of Manchester, the National Graphene Institute (NGI), and the City of Manchester.

FET Newsletter - edition June 2015

Latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research: funding opportunities, latest Project news, reporting on workshops & conferences, future events.