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Graphene enables ultrafast laser pulses for spectroscopy and biomedical applications

Graphene Flagship researchers have developed an optical fibre laser that emits pulses with durations equivalent to just a few wavelengths of the light used. This fastest ever laser based on graphene will be ideal for use in ultrafast spectroscopy, and in surgical lasers that avoid heat damage to living tissue.

date:  06/08/2015

See alsoGraphene Flagship

Read full article - 3 July 2015

Article based on work carried out by Graphene Flagship Scientists of the Optoelectronics Work Package: Daniel Popa, head of the photonics group at the Cambridge Graphene Centre.
Daniel Popa, head of the photonics group at the Cambridge Graphene Centre.  “ Their advance is outlined in a paper published recently in the journal Applied Physics Letters, the first author of which is doctoral student David Purdie.  Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 253101 (2015).