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Excellent Science

ERC Consolidator Grants: 372 top researchers funded with €713 million to pursue their best ideas

The European Research Council (ERC) is today announcing the 372 winners of its second Consolidator Grant competition. These excellent mid-career scientists are awarded a total of €713 million, as part of the European Union Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020. Grants are worth up to €2.75 million each, with an average of €1.91 million per grant. The funding will enable them to consolidate their research teams and to develop their most innovative ideas.

New man in Madeira to boost creativity in computing

Nuno Jardim Nunes calls it “weird”, while Chris Csikszentmihalyi calls it “zany”. Whether you use the British or US term to describe it, the mind-set is behind a renowned US technologist’s move to Europe for a lifetime position at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute.

European Research Area video

This video explains the concept of the European Research Area, a unified area open to the world, in which scientific knowledge, technology and researchers circulate freely. It explains how European policies are geared towards removing barriers and putting the conditions in place so that scientists can move more easily, have better access to funding and concentrate on their research.

Blog post: Thierry Van der Pyl, Director "Excellence in Science" at the European Commission, announces main review conclusions and recommendations of Graphene Flagship project.

The Commission held last January the first annual review meeting of the Graphene Flagship, assisted by 14 independent experts in Brussels. The aim of the review was to assess the work of the Flagship in its first year of activities, covering the scientific and technological progress of the project as well as health and safety aspects and the Consortium's coordination and management.

Ten technologies which could change our lives

The Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) unit of the European Parliament published an analysis entitled "Ten technologies which could change our lives: Potential impacts and policy implications", covering topics such as Graphene and Massive Online Courses.

Switzerland and EU join forces in science and research

Today (5 December 2014) the European Union and Switzerland signed a comprehensive international agreement associating Switzerland to parts of Horizon 2020, Research and Training Programme of Euratom and the ITER project. This will see Switzerland participate in project consortia in eligible programmes on an equal footing with EU Member States, while financially contributing to these programmes with an estimated €400 million until the end of 2016.

MSCA Prize 2014: Here are the winners!

Today, in Trento (Italy), the European Commission has awarded three prizes to three MSCA fellows for having reached excellent results as Promising Research Talent, Communicating Science and Nurturing Research Talent.

EU Video: "Europe in the lead: like ground-breaking flagships" by Vice-President EC Neelie Kroes

Videomessage from Neelie Kroes,Vice-President, European Commission at "The future of Europe is science" Conference in Lisbon (PT)on October 7th,2014. Neelie Kroes explains open, digital science: a new trend helping scientists, citizens and society...........We are giving EU industry the global lead... like ground-breaking flagships for computers based on the human brain, and the new "wonder material" Graphene.

Harnessing 3D imagery for early tumour detection

More than three million people in Europe are diagnosed with some form of cancer every year, and despite the advances in science, there is still much to learn about this disease. The European Union (EU)-funded research project ENTERVISION is developing a new way of harnessing radiotherapy, using 3D digital imagery, to provide earlier tumour detection and more effective treatments.