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Excellent Science

Graphene: the wonder material for electronics, computers and beyond

You might think that such a new 'wonder material' would lie outside your everyday experience, but graphene is the exception. When you write or draw with a pencil, the graphite (the 'lead' of the pencil) slides off in thin layers to leave a trail - the line on the paper. Carbon's ability to form a thin layer of molecules is what makes graphene special - and scientists are starting to explore the possibilities for electronics and computing of carbon grids that are just one molecule thick.

FET Open - Supporting promising new ideas

Have a look at this video promoting the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Open Research Funding Scheme. FET Open supports early-stage joint science and technology research around new ideas for radically new future technologies.

The Human Brain Project has begun

The Human Brain Project: The world’s most ambitious neuroscience project is underway. Scientists from the 135 partner institutions of the Human Brain Project, co-funded by the European Union with an estimated budget of EUR 1.2 billion, are meeting in Switzerland for the official launch.

With more than 130 research institutions from Europe and around the world on board and hundreds of scientists in a myriad of fields participating, the Human Brain Project is the most ambitious neuroscience project ever launched. Its goal is to develop methods that will enable a deep understanding of how the human brain operates.

Graphene flagship has set sails

The Graphene Flagship – one of Europe’s first ten-year, EUR 1 mln
flagships in Future and Emerging Technologies – was launched during a
ceremony in Gothenburg on 11 October 2013.

Human Brain Project : Video presenting this Flagship project

The goal of the Human Brain Project is to build a completely new information computing technology infrastructure for neuroscience and for brain-related research in medicine and computing, catalysing a global collaborative effort to understand the human brain and its diseases and ultimately to emulate its computational capabilities.

Graphene Flagship : "Ready, Set, Graphene"

Chalmers University of Technology SE) has been honored to coordinate one of the EU's biggest ever EU science project – Graphene Flagship – and time has come to take the super-material out from the research labs and into everyone's lives.

In this video Jie Sun, Assistant Professor at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, shows how he manufactures scalable and high-performing solid Graphene samples – the raw material for the over 100 research groups within the Graphene Flagship.

University of Technology (Sweden).
Thanks to: Jie Sun and Niclas Lindvall, Microtechnology & Nanoscience, Quantum Device Physics Laboratory
Narrator: Maria Abrahamsson, Chemical & Biological Engineering
Music: Björn Olsson
Animations: iStock, BOID
Video created by Torgil Störner, Communications & Marketing, "Chalmers