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Switzerland steps up research and innovation cooperation with the EU

Swiss researchers and organisations will now be able to fully participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation funding programme, on equal terms with entities from EU Member States and other associated countries. This is because on 1 January 2017, Switzerland will become fully associated to Horizon 2020. Until now, Switzerland has only been associated to parts of the programme.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2015

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The second Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2015.

Horizon 2020: two years on

In 2015 there was an increase in proposals by 25% compared to 2014, especially coming from businesses, whose number of applications increased by almost 27%.

EU funding for research and innovation attracts ever more interest, report shows

Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme, is attracting more and more researchers and innovators. In 2015 there was an increase in proposals by 25% compared to 2014, especially coming from businesses, whose number of applications increased by almost 27%. Almost 50 % of participants are newcomers, many of which are small and medium-sized companies.

New actions to help close the gap in research excellence across Europe

The European Commission is today presenting new measures that will help bring more countries to the map of research excellence. The actions range from financing new knowledge centres to facilitating structural reforms that will enable more synergies between different funding sources. They will be rolled out during the last three years of Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding programme that runs until 2020.

FET Flagships: lessons learnt

The European Commission and the two flagships, the Graphene Flagship & the Human Brain Project, have a glimpse in the rear-view mirror and draw the lessons collectively learnt.

FET Newsletter edition October 2016

The October 2016 edition of the FET Newsletter brings the latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies: celebrating Prizes awarded to FET partners, new FET Open projects,update on quantum expert group, and interesting project news and future events.

Public consultation: have your say on Horizon 2020

The European Commission has today launched a public stakeholder consultation which will feed into the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, the EU's €77 billion research and innovation funding scheme running from 2014 to 2020. This interim evaluation will help improve the functioning of Horizon 2020, and will also be an important element in preparations of a next EU research and innovation programme.

EU-US agreement offers new opportunities for research cooperation

European and American researchers will be able to work together more closely on projects funded under Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation programme. This is thanks to an agreement concluded today between the European Commission and the US Government.


This brochure shows an assessment of Horizon 2020 management and distribution throughout 2014-2015, with information including number of proposals and accepted applications, time-to-grant, key Horizon 2020 performance indicators, and more.

Independent experts to advise Commission on impact of EU research funding

The European Commission will set up a High Level Group of experts who will advise on how to maximise the impact of the EU's investment into research and innovation. The Group will be chaired by Pascal Lamy, President Emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute, the Commission decided on 21 September 2016.

Final steps of the DIVERSIFY project

The EU-funded DIVERSIFY project brought together researchers from the domains of software-intensive distributed systems and ecology, in order to translate ecological concepts and processes into software design principles. The project ended early 2016 but its impact is ongoing.

Six NanoCars in the starting blocks

Six of the world’s most advanced vehicles will race over a track made of gold. Only you won’t be able to follow the race because each competitor is just nanometres in size and invisible to the naked eye.