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Switzerland steps up research and innovation cooperation with the EU

Swiss researchers and organisations will now be able to fully participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation funding programme, on equal terms with entities from EU Member States and other associated countries. This is because on 1 January 2017, Switzerland will become fully associated to Horizon 2020. Until now, Switzerland has only been associated to parts of the programme.

QuantERA Call 2017 is open

The QuantERA Consortium opened a Call for Proposals in the field of quantum technologies. Proposals should include one or more of the following areas: quantum communication; quantum simulation; quantum computation; quantum information sciences; quantum metrology sensing and imaging; novel ideas and applications in quantum science and technologies. An infoDay is organised on 16 February 2017 in Malta. More information is available on QuantERA website.

Last FET Newsletter of 2016

The December 2016 edition of the FET Newsletter brings you the latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies: Graphene secrets unveiled, quantum news, reporting from the Human Brain workshop at the European Parliament, portrait of a FET researcher, funding opportunities and interesting project news and future events.

Making state of the art sensors with children's toy putty and graphene

Graphene Flagship researchers from Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with the National Graphene Institute (NGI) at the University of Manchester, have used graphene to make the novelty children’s material Silly Putty® (polysilicone) conduct electricity. Using this conductive polymer they found that they were able to create extremely sensitive sensors.

eInfrastructure Proposers' Day 2017

The eInfrastructure Proposers' Day 2017 is organised to allow the consortia currently preparing proposals for EINFRA-12-2017 to present their concepts and get additional input from potential partners.

European Summit on Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing.

This Summit will look at how digital technology will transform the way we think about delivering health and care in Europe. Areas covered will range from health (medical treatment) to prevention and healthy lifestyles and other areas of the Silver Economy (Silver Tourism, Age Friendly Homes and Living Environments etc.). Participants will help to the define a shared vision on how innovation can transform demographic change into an opportunity for Europe's ageing society and the Silver Economy

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2015

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The second Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2015.

A question of consciousness

What is consciousness? Can it be measured? FET-Open project LUMINOUS tries to find answers to fundamental human questions.

RELIEF: Procuring eHealth in the fight against chronic pain

The EU-funded RELIEF project aims to innovate chronic pain self-management through procuring the best digital solutions. They started an open market consultation, this way the consortium will get insight into the market, the state of the art and future developments. Three workshops will be held: 1/12 in Paris, 9/12 in Uppsala, 14/12 in Córdoba. You can also have your say in the online questionnaire.

Opening new horizons for information storage

FET-Open project MAGicSky is neither about magic, nor about looking at the stars. Its very down-to-earth objective is to significantly improve information storage capacity and speed of information processing. In other words, MAGicSky research aims at developing extremely small and powerful memory elements

FET Newsletter edition November 2016

The November 2016 edition of the FET Newsletter brings the latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies: the Horizon 2020 evaluation, quantum news, decoding the Human Brain, portrait of a FET researcher, HPC overview, funding opportunities and interesting project news and future events.

European Robotics Week 2016

The 6th edition of the European Robotics Week takes place on 18-27th November 2016. The number of robot related activities is expected to reach over 700 all over Europe and beyond as far away as Pakistan this year. Lots of activities are open for the general public and free of charge.

European High Performance Computing projects showcase at Supercomputing '16

During a dedicated session, organised by the European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) and the EU funded Coordination Action EXDCI (European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative), the European HPC projects will showcase their work, aiming to seed new collaborations with international partners, to accelerate progress in Exascale research and development.

QuantERA: the new ERA-NET supporting Quantum Technologies

QuantERA is a new Cofund Action in Quantum Technologies. With a budget of over 37 million €, including co-funding from the European Commission, QuantERA will support international research projects in the field of Quantum Technologies.