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ICT Research & Innovation

Improving the technology that drives the travel industry

Although today’s tourists take it for granted that they can book hotels, flights and cruises online, the search process can often be complicated, slow, daunting and confusing. But European researchers are working to improve the information technology driving the travel industry, and a €200 million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB), with financial backing from the European Union, helps to develop new innovations that make bookings much easier.

Age-friendly environments: A new Europe-wide network on innovation

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), physical and social environments are key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous long into their old age. Creating age-friendly environments is therefore one of the most effective approaches to respond to demographic change. To support this approach, the AFE-INNOVNET thematic network on innovation for age-friendly environments (AFE) has now kicked off with the support of the European CIP ICT PSP Programme and will run for two years.

Miraculous-Life for Independent Elderly Living

A robot that is 'human' enough to communicate with, could be a great support partner for older people living alone. But is it possible? The recently launched EU-funded project Miraculous-Life for Elderly Independent Living will develop and test a Virtual Support Partner which will attend to the daily activities and safety needs of the elderly citizens (65+) in their everyday lives.

Early detection of fires to protect cultural sites

Fires can have a devastating impact on invaluable archaeological and cultural sites. These areas are often at greater risk of fires because they are commonly surrounded by vegetation or situated close to forest regions. Early detection, however, can significantly reduce the potential damage fires cause.

OurSpace TOOLKIT available (eParticipation)

EU initiative OurSpace is an open source, easy-to-use tool designed to support anyone who needs to consult with large groups of young people, regardless of nationality or language boundaries.

Smart sensors that harvest power from sun, heat or vibrations

European researchers have developed advanced energy harvesting technology that allows wireless sensor networks to power themselves from the sun, heat or vibrations. The innovation is a key enabler for smart cities, environmental and pollution monitoring, and effective disaster management, among many other applications.

Data Days 2014

Join Open Data pioneers, practitioners, thinkers and researchers from across the world to unlock and advance the power of collaboration and Open Innovation!

ICT-enabled public sector innovation in H2020 - Video

Open Government, engagement of young people, open participation, emerging technologies in the public sector, innovative mobile eGovernment, privacy, cloud of public services...

What is our vision of the societal challenge around Public Services? Which are the funding opportunities for these topics in the recently launched Horizon 2020 framework programme?

Mechthild Rohen, Head of the Public Services Unit in DG CONNECT speaks about this. Enjoy this short video.

ICT for societal challenges in H2020

In this video Paul Timmers (Director of Sustainable and Secure Society in DG Connect) speaks about the funding opportunities in ICT for societal challenges in the recently launched Horizon 2020 framework programme. This is the first video of a series of 7 each one explaining more in detail the funding opportunities for different societal challenges.

Confronting the terrorist threat

Over recent years, air travelers have become familiar with pre-flight security routines: a tedious but necessary insurance against terrorist attacks. But other forms of mass transport, especially in European cities, may remain more vulnerable – as the bombings in London and Madrid tragically demonstrated a few years ago. An EU-funded project has been exploring new, rapid, mass-screening technology to make life easier and safer for all travelers.

Data processing at the speed of light

As our increasingly computer-driven world creates more and more data, the need for enhanced processing power to store, retrieve and analyse that data is significantly growing.

Mixing light and electricity for innovative electronics

The integrated circuits that have been driving the information technology revolution are reaching their physical limit. EU-funded scientists are now looking at light as a replacement for electric signals. In their search for smaller, faster, low-energy alternatives, they are reporting promising work on light particles called ‘polaritons’, paving the way for next-generation circuits for use in devices such as computers and smartphones .

The way of the future: ‘swarming’ robots

EVOLVINGROBOT is a European Union (EU)-funded research project which has developed an artificial intelligence system to control tiny robots, enabling them to replicate the ‘swarming’ behaviour seen in insects such as bees or ants, or even in birds and fish. It is an innovation which could have far-reaching implications for a range of human activities, from medical to industrial, military and disaster relief.