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ICT Research & Innovation

The world's most advanced bionic hand

This bionic hand is a direct result of 10 years of EU-(and national) funded research. This science-fiction like prototype was tested with the help of amputee Dennis Aabo Sørensen who said "To feel what you're doing again is an amazing feeling. It's so close to be like a natural hand".

Meet Poppy, the 3-D printed robot set to inspire innovation in classrooms

Written in cooperation with Inria, France European Research Council (ERC) grantee Dr Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, is today presenting the first complete open-source 3D printed humanoid robot, called “Poppy” (@poppy_project). Poppy is a robot that anybody can build – its body is 3D printed and its behaviour programmed by the user.

Graphene Flagship welcomes first associated members

As part of its mission to strengthen Europe’s graphene research and development community, the Graphene Flagship welcomes its first four associated members: Netzsch (Germany), NetComposites (UK), ABB and Imerys (Switzerland).

CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Announcement

CHIST-ERA is looking for transformative and highly multidisciplinary research projects in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST).

Blog: The future of science is Europe, the Future of Europe is Science

Beginning October the Future was in Portugal ! To be exact, in Lisbon, in the Centre for the Unknown, of the Champalimaud Foundation. The Centre was hosting the high-level conference: "The Future of Europe is Science", marking the completion of the term of office of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso.
Read this blogpost written by Andrew Houghton.


FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2015 Pre-announcement : 27 October 2014

FLAG-ERA launches funding instruments in support of the Flagship initiatives on Graphene and Human Brain.
The FLAG-ERA Consortium launches a dedicated joint call for proposals worth 18.5 M EUR on 27 October 2014.
In parallel, FLAG-ERA announces the launch of Association Mechanisms for integration of nationally and regionally funded research into the Flagships work plans.

BRAIN-FETs 2014: 1st Clustering Workshop on Future Emerging NeuroTechnologies

This workshop, organised by a group of EC-funded projects, aims at clustering a relatively small subset of the European FET community, particularly active on Brain inspired ICT, Neurotechnologies, novel materials, and computational approaches. It is a unique opportunity to learn about ongoing research and to critically contribute in designing next steps in FETs.

EU Video: "Europe in the lead: like ground-breaking flagships" by Vice-President EC Neelie Kroes

Videomessage from Neelie Kroes,Vice-President, European Commission at "The future of Europe is science" Conference in Lisbon (PT)on October 7th,2014. Neelie Kroes explains open, digital science: a new trend helping scientists, citizens and society...........We are giving EU industry the global lead... like ground-breaking flagships for computers based on the human brain, and the new "wonder material" Graphene.

Second H2020 coordinators' day - everything you need to know about the preparation of your grant agreement

What's next after you received the message that your proposal was successful? The event on 13 October 2014 will provide all details on the preparation and signature of your grant agreement. It will take place in the Charlemagne building in Brussels from 9.30 to 17.00.

It is mainly meant for coordinators of proposals who were invited to prepare a grant agreement. Other participants may be accepted subject to the availability of seats.

ICT Proposers' Day 2014

This event, organised by the European Commission, is specifically dedicated to networking and promoting research and innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.

Check out our latest FET Newsletter - edition October 2014 !

FET Newsletter highlights: - "The Future of Europe is Science Conference" 6-7 October & ICT Proposers' Day 8-9 Oct
- First analysis FET Proactive consultation
- Flagship Staff Working document published
- FET HPC & FET Open Funding Opportunities - CHIST-ERA Call& FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call
- Report FET2020 Conferences
and more news on Projects & Events... The FET team

STAC Report & videos "The Future of Europe is Science – high-level conference"

On October 6th, this high-level conference was opened by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.
The report ‘The Future of Europe is Science’ was presented to President Barroso by the members of the President’s Science & Technology Advisory Committee(STAC).
Bringing together actors from the world of science, industry and society, the conference aimed to take stock of European achievements in science over the past 10 years.

Towards a Cloud of Public Services

The European Commission is piloting the potential of a Cloud of public services for the development and the delivery of more flexible public services by combining building blocks and allowing service sharing between public and private providers. Discover in this brochure which projects have been and are funded in this domain.

EU-funded project rethinks Asimov's law of Robotics

Conclusions of RoboLaw project on Regulating Emerging Robotic Technologies in Europe: Robotics facing Law and Ethics have been presented at the workshop 'Upcoming issues of EU law', organised by the JURI Committee of the European Parliament