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Graphene Flagship welcomes first associated members

As part of its mission to strengthen Europe’s graphene research and development community, the Graphene Flagship welcomes its first four associated members: Netzsch (Germany), NetComposites (UK), ABB and Imerys (Switzerland).

date:  27/10/2014

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Bringing together scientists, engineers and commercial companies looking to turn graphene and related materials from academic research into real-world products is the core mission of the Graphene Flagship. To that end the flagship has built a pan-European structure based on partner organisations, and the original 76 partners in 17 countries have grown to 142 in 23 countries.

This radical increase in the number of partners effectively doubles the size of the Graphene Flagship, but it is not stopping there. The concept of associated member has been introduced. Its purpose? Facilitating alignment and information flow between the flagship and related national and international activities.

Speaking for the European Commission, Thierry Van der Pyl, director of ‘Excellence Science’ within the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, says, “We are very pleased to see the Graphene Flagship consortium associating with leading European industry, paving the way of graphene from lab to market. This is a must for moving basic research advances into concrete innovation opportunities.”

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