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ICT Research & Innovation

Information Day Horizon 2020 - Future Internet

On 31 January 2014, there will be an Information Day presenting the Future Internet topics within Call 1 (opened on 11 December 2013, closing date: 23 April 2014) of the new EU framework programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020.

The new generation of microscopic robots

Toxic spills can be devastating to humans, animals and to the ecosystem The ERC-funded project CHOBOTIX has successfully created the first prototypes of chemical robots that could operate an "Intelligent Cleaning" system.

ICT-enabled public sector innovation in H2020

Interested in Open Government, eParticipation, mobile eGovernment, cloud of public services, use of emerging technologies in public sector, etc...?

Find your way and your funding opportunities in the new programme Horizon 2020. Read the flyer!

(last update 24/3/2014)

Creating an international network for promoting Virtual Museums

Virtual Museums are an exciting development that allows ‘visitors’ to explore their cultural heritage in an interactive way. The international project created a network of institutions to produce sustainable tools and share know-how on establishing such virtual reality experiences.

Reliable chip from ‘unreliable’ parts?

It sounds implausible, but European researchers are deadly serious about their aim to create reliable, low-energy microchips from what have traditionally been viewed as ‘unreliable’ components. The skill is to correct the errors to turn low-powered parts into efficient, reliable and, above-all, fault-tolerant chips. They propose to use nano-scale integration to build these next-generation chips.  

Igniting Europe’s creative spark for regional growth

Creative industries, which are often concentrated in highly innovative regional clusters, have real potential to become catalysts for sustainable growth. By identifying possible areas of co-operation between the creative and ICT sectors, an EU-funded project has sought to encourage and develop such potential.

Meet Francesco, and see how EU research is making a difference to people's lives.

Francesco Lollini is 19 years old and just finished high school. He collaborates with the research team from Bologna that runs the TOBI project (TOols for Brain computer Interaction). With the input of potential users such as Francesco, this project aims to develop practical technology for brain-computer interaction (BCI) that will improve the quality of life of disabled people and the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

Tiny robots for less invasive surgery

Millions of Europeans undergo abdominal surgery each year to treat a range of different disorders, from cancer and heart disease to obesity. EU-funded researchers are developing innovative micro-robotics and micro-system technologies to make such surgeries less complicated, invasive and costly.
Surgical procedures have improved rapidly in recent years aided by technology that is gradually making the surgeon's scalpel a thing of the past - increasingly replaced by robotics, miniature devices and innovative procedures that have fewer health risks, speed patient recovery and leave less scarring. But there is always room for further improvement.

A hands-on approach to physics in the classroom

Remember high school physics class? Trawling through text books, grappling with complex theories and little, if any, hands-on experimentation. Many students across Europe could be forgiven for describing physics as a boring subject. But that is now set to change thanks to an EU-funded project that is bringing 'inquiry-based learning' (IBL) to the physics classroom.

From electronic brains to the power of the mind…

The "Human Brain Project" will create the world's largest experimental facility for developing the most detailed model of the brain, for studying how the human brain works and ultimately to develop personalised treatment of neurological and related diseases. This research lays the scientific and technical foundations for medical progress that has the potential to will dramatically improve the quality of life for millions of Europeans.

iMinds The Conference

The 2013 edition of iMinds The Conference will take place at the Square Meeting Center in Brussels, while keeping unchanged the formula to its success – gathering the best and brightest in academia, policy making, business and venture capital.

Commission welcomes EU Member States' adoption of Horizon 2020

The European Commission welcomed the adoption by EU Member States of Horizon 2020, the next EU research and innovation programme. With a budget of nearly EUR 80 billion euro over seven years, Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research programme yet, and one of the biggest publicly funded worldwide.

Human Brain Project : Video presenting this Flagship project

The goal of the Human Brain Project is to build a completely new information computing technology infrastructure for neuroscience and for brain-related research in medicine and computing, catalysing a global collaborative effort to understand the human brain and its diseases and ultimately to emulate its computational capabilities.

Graphene Flagship : "Ready, Set, Graphene"

Chalmers University of Technology SE) has been honored to coordinate one of the EU's biggest ever EU science project – Graphene Flagship – and time has come to take the super-material out from the research labs and into everyone's lives.

In this video Jie Sun, Assistant Professor at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, shows how he manufactures scalable and high-performing solid Graphene samples – the raw material for the over 100 research groups within the Graphene Flagship.

University of Technology (Sweden).
Thanks to: Jie Sun and Niclas Lindvall, Microtechnology & Nanoscience, Quantum Device Physics Laboratory
Narrator: Maria Abrahamsson, Chemical & Biological Engineering
Music: Björn Olsson
Animations: iStock, BOID
Video created by Torgil Störner, Communications & Marketing, "Chalmers