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Electronic Wall to Improve Quality of Life for the Elderly

A new EU research project will over the next three years develop an electronic wall that can help those weakened by age enjoy greater independence and increased quality of life at home.

date:  06/03/2014

ProjecteWall for Active Long Living


See alsoCORDIS


The ambition of the eWALL project is to develop an interactive, wall-mounted electronic device that helps older users have an active old age with the greatest possible independence. The electronics on the wall in conjunction with the underlying infrastructure will allow ongoing communication with all sectors of the healthcare system so that seniors can feel more comfortable in their own homes, even if they need treatment or rehabilitation following illness.

An important goal is to make the system able to adapt to individual needs. Heart and lung disorders, reduced muscle function and reduced control over movement are some of the physical disabilities that senior citizens endure and that increase risk in the home. In addition, they may experience failing memory, poor sense of orientation and a reduced ability to handle complex situations. Cases of mild dementia can also require continuous support from health professionals.

The project will conduct interdisciplinary research, and demonstration on a large scale will support the concept with actual experience in technical, user-related and legal matters. The solution’s impact on older users' quality of life will be measured, and socioeconomic studies will be done that can form the basis for recommendations to the healthcare sector, which hopefully in time can take advantage of the possibilities in national health systems.


Press Release
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