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Last FET Newsletter of 2016

The December 2016 edition of the FET Newsletter brings you the latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies: Graphene secrets unveiled, quantum news, reporting from the Human Brain workshop at the European Parliament, portrait of a FET researcher, funding opportunities and interesting project news and future events.

date:  14/12/2016

In the December 2016 edition you can read about:

  • Making state of the art sensors with children's toy putty and Graphene
  • 12 new FET Proactive projects defy the bounds of innovation
  • Communicating your project in Digital Excellence & Science Infrastructure
  • Portrait of Simon Colton, FET researcher
  • Funding opportunities: QuantERA, FETOpen, FLAG-ERA
  • The Human Brain Project workshop at the European Parliament
  • New videos
  • Latest projects' news & stories & videos
  • Upcoming Events

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