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Environment & climate action

Call for applications for the selection of members of the Commission expert group "Support to Circular Economy Financing Expert Group" - Deadline for applications: 9th May 2017

As part of the Circular Economy Finance Support Platform launched on the 26th January 2017, the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation has set up a group of experts. The Support to Circular Economy Financing Expert Group is an informal Commission expert group operating in accordance with the horizontal Rules for Commission Expert Groups and registered in the Commission's Register of Commission expert groups and other similar entities ('the Register of expert groups').

Sharing maritime space to unlock growth in the blue economy

From mussel farming to wind farms, the EU-funded MARIBE project showed how various marine projects could cut costs and benefit from each other by linking up. Optimising the use of our oceans and seas would also stimulate growth in the blue economy.

Polar research warms up

In northern Sweden, some 150km inside the Arctic Circle where winter temperatures can fall to -45c, it's thaw season. Futuris went to meet a group of biologists studying the basic mechanisms used by plants to survive in this challenging ecosystem.And the variety of colours of their flowers is one of those survival mechanisms as pollinating insects are attracted by their colours.

Switzerland steps up research and innovation cooperation with the EU

Swiss researchers and organisations will now be able to fully participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation funding programme, on equal terms with entities from EU Member States and other associated countries. This is because on 1 January 2017, Switzerland will become fully associated to Horizon 2020. Until now, Switzerland has only been associated to parts of the programme.

A FEAT of earthquake research

The sudden earthquakes that hit the headlines can be catastrophic. However, much slower ruptures release energy more safely. An EU-funded researcher is identifying how these little-understood slow ruptures occur, their precursory signals and how they are linked to fast earthquakes - information that could one day help develop early warning systems.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2015

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The second Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2015.

Addressing the arsenic in Argentinian groundwater

Many areas worldwide struggle with high levels of arsenic in the water supply. Scientists from Argentina - where several regions are affected - are collaborating with European colleagues to find solutions in the context of an EU-funded project. Together, they intend to develop a low-cost system to produce safe drinking water for people and livestock.

A move to bring down costs for light electric vehicles

The EU-funded project RESOLVE is developing technologies for electric-powered light four wheelers that extend range and reduce cost. This could tempt more car drivers to make the switch to these smaller, less polluting alternatives for daily urban commutes.

CITIES of the FUTURE-H2020

The “Cities of the Future 2016” Brokerage Event will bring together 300 researchers, industry professionals, government officials and policy makers from Europe and Turkey.


Are you thinking of applying to one of the Horizon 2020 biotech-related calls? Are you looking for partners to build a consortium?

Join us on 28 September in Brussels to meet actors from all around Europe to exchange ideas.