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A move to bring down costs for light electric vehicles

The EU-funded project RESOLVE is developing technologies for electric-powered light four wheelers that extend range and reduce cost. This could tempt more car drivers to make the switch to these smaller, less polluting alternatives for daily urban commutes.

date:  06/10/2016

Project:  Range of Electric SOlutions for L-catego...

acronym:  RESOLVE

See alsoCORDIS

Road congestion, air pollution and noise from cars are major issues in many EU cities, affecting health and quality of life. Light electric four wheelers – classified in the EU as electric L-category vehicles (ELVs) – are among the potential alternatives to cars for urban commutes. Sales of these vehicles have however been limited, mainly due to their relatively high cost and limited range.

To help overcome these barriers, RESOLVE is developing lighter and more energy-efficient parts, as well as lowering manufacturing costs. The innovations to engines, batteries and other components would extend the distance they can travel before recharging is needed, and reduce their market price.

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