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Environment & climate action

Environment & climate action

A wider circle for European polar research

The polar regions are often seen as a barometer for the health of the global environment, and understanding how changes in this area affect Europe and the world had become essential. An alliance of 22 research institutes has therefore set out to enhance the integration of European capabilities for polar research and maximise the benefits to society.

Local communities and scientists join forces for conservation

Such is the wealth of biodiversity in Latin America that several countries sport the label ‘megadiverse’. But biological hotspots are also often home to precious cultural diversity. EU and Latin American researchers studied community-based initiatives to protect both – together known as ‘biocultural diversity’. The findings fed into guides to local conservation.

Plankton as a biological sensor for climate change

By studying the impact of climate change on some of the ocean’s smallest organisms, EU-funded researchers have identified trends that could have profound implications for the health of marine ecosystems and the global environment.

Deep-diving robots to uncover the mysteries of the deep

Frozen in time for decades or even centuries, some of the world’s most intriguing shipwrecks could be about to give up their secrets to a set of underwater robots developed by EU-funded researchers. The diving drones are able to locate objects of interest and provide images for information-hungry historians and archaeologists.

Forecasting the impact of space weather

Solar eruptions that eject electromagnetic radiation, clouds of hot plasma, magnetic flux and charged particles into space can have devastating effects, damaging satellites, communications systems and power grids – and can pose a hazard to human health. European researchers have built an alert system to provide early warning of these threats from the Sun.

Sturdy saplings from the robo-nursery

Very specific conditions are needed for a tiny seed to grow into a mighty tree. Providing these conditions helps to preserve biodiversity, as plants produced from cuttings are essentially clones. EU-funded researchers have developed an innovative propagation unit where plantlets can thrive, along with tailor-made growth protocols for many species.

Mapped land-use data for farmers and forest managers

Farmers and forest managers need to monitor vital land management activities and changes in vegetation. They are just two potential end-users of a comprehensive new satellite-based earth monitoring system providing free, full and open mapping data to boost management and protection of the environment.

Contrail-cirrus, other non-CO2 effects and Smart Flying

The aim of this event is to bring together the atmospheric science and civil aircraft operating communities to consider the prospects for reducing the climate impact of contrail-cirrus by re-routing air traffic to avoid the localised regions of cold moist air in which persistent contrails form.

Innovating Cities with Nature and Culture

The European Commission is organising a Stakeholder Partnership event on 20 October 2015 to facilitate networking, information exchange and cross-border partnerships of actors interested in addressing urban challenges through innovating with nature or by making innovative use of cultural heritage assets for regenerating cities.

Policy Seminar - New Horizons for Cultural Heritage

Recalibrating relationships: bringing cultural heritage and people together in a changing Europe. The scope of the seminar is to discuss how the RICHES project (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society) can provide insights to support evidence-based policymaking in Europe.

Participation in the event is by invitation only. All those with an interest in the Seminar may follow the preparatory work and access the results through the RICHES project website.

New research reveals a win-win in the fight against climate change and air pollution

Short-lived pollutants such as ozone, methane and aerosols are key to fighting both climate change and air pollution, says the team behind an EU-funded study that assessed effective emission abatement strategies for these short-lived climate forcers. Such strategies could reduce increases in global temperatures by 0.22°C by 2050, the team believes.

Monitoring agriculture for sustainability

Producing more food to feed a growing global population will require more intensive and extensive farming over the coming decades. Ensuring this can be achieved in a sustainable way is the goal of EU-funded researchers developing methods and tools to monitor and map agricultural areas and crop production.

Garbage in, graphite out — plus green hydrogen

It may look like rubbish, but food waste does have its uses. It could even be converted into valuable graphite and hydrogen. An EU-funded project has set out to do just that. The process it is developing combines anaerobic digestion with microwave plasma technology to transform trash into treasure.

Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016-2017 published

The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding scheme, following a new work programme for 2016-17 adopted on 13 October. The work programme is now available on the participant portal.

A boost for efficient, safe food production

An EU-funded project has developed innovative technologies and techniques for recycling water, nutrients and by-products along the food supply chain – from horticulture to processing and on to shop shelves. These advances add up to big savings for producers and manufacturers, increase competitiveness, and benefit the environment.

European Commission invests €16 billion in funding for research and innovation over next two years

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation said: "Research and innovation are the engines of Europe's progress and vital to addressing today's new pressing challenges like immigration, climate change, clean energy and healthy societies. Over the next two years, €16 billion from Horizon 2020 will support Europe's top scientific efforts, making the difference to citizens' lives."