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Environment & climate action

Environment & climate action

Sustainable concrete - the remix

Guidelines for making concrete from recycled ingredients could help the construction industry reduce its environmental impact. An EU-funded project developed the guidelines based on tests of recycled concrete, recycled steel from old tires and natural fibres from sisal.

EUBCE 2016 -24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

Join us in Amsterdam for the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, the leading international platform for dialogue between research, industry, policy and biomass businesses.

The EUBCE represents one of the key events on both a European and global scale for companies and professionals operating at the top end of the biomass and bioenergy sector.

How can we improve access to finance for European companies in green sectors?

Access to finance can be difficult for companies in environmental sectors due to limited information or understanding of new business models or the issues driving them. In addition, there are also challenges in getting from innovation to the market.

Therefore, reliable access to a variety of funding sources is crucial for European companies in green sectors and for the development of the circular economy.

10th GEO European Projects Workshop 2016

Save the date: Representatives from science, business and public administration are invited to join the 2016 GEO Workshop for European projects on earth observation from 31 May to 2 June in Berlin.

2016 marks a turning point for the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) with the launch of the new Strategic Plan implementing the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS).

Cities test green energy and transport solutions

EU-funded project REMOURBAN will demonstrate strategies that European cities can use to reduce energy consumption, improve transport sustainability and cut greenhouse gas emissions. The aim is to improve the quality of life in urban areas through cooperative efforts on green energy and transport solutions.

Catching the tide for marine observation

Satellite and in situ data can tell us a lot about the state of the seas, but scientists are not yet able to exploit these data to their full potential. An EU-funded project looked into enriching Europe's marine data products and services - such as those revealing the chemical make-up of our oceans.

Registration now open for SC2 Info Week 27-29 June 2016

Registration is now open for the Info Week on Societal Challenge 2 Calls 2017,which will take place on 27-29 June 2016 in Brussels. Registration will close on 10th June, or earlier if the maximum capacity is reached before the closing date.

Mitigating the impact of natural disasters through multi-sector partnership

Floods, wildfires, droughts and volcanic eruptions. These are just some of the catastrophes that will cause increasing damage and costs in Europe if steps aren't taken to address the risk from natural disasters, says ENHANCE, an EU-funded research project. The findings are being used at EU, national and local levels.

An empirical approach to climate change adaptation

From freak winter storms to summer floods and multi-year droughts, climate change is having an intensifying impact across Europe. Effective adaptation will be essential for countries, societies and industries as they seek to minimise the negative effects and perhaps even harness the potential benefits of a changing climate, according to EU-funded researchers.

Adaptation Futures

Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA).

In 2016, the European Commission and the Government of the Netherlands will be co-hosting the fourth edition.

Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2016

Transport Research Arena (TRA) is the most important Transport research event in Europe, gathering every two years key stakeholders: researchers, experts, operators, industry and policy-makers.

#TRA2016 Conference will contribute to innovation in sustainable mobility for Europe, by bringing together all the stakeholders of the transport system.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2014

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The first Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2014

Environmental success stories get second life

While the motto 'local problems, local solutions' holds particular sway for environmental problems, is it possible to take one local solution and transfer it to another region? Yes, according to EU-funded researchers who did exactly that in Latin America.