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Commission launches the 2018 European Capital of Innovation contest

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, opened the 2018 European Capital of Innovation contest at the EU Covenant of Mayors Ceremony in the European Parliament. The winning city will be awarded a prize of €1 million to further promote and enhance its innovative actions. Applications can be submitted until 21 June 2018.

Maximising the impact of EU research and innovation

Europe must step up investment in research and innovation in order to maximise impact, while also further refining the success story that is Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme. This is one of the key messages from the Communication on the Horizon 2020 interim evaluation that the European Commission presented today. It also calls for a mission-oriented approach, focusing on cracking specific challenges, as a way of boosting the impact of the programme. Other key messages inclu

Horizon 2020 Work Programme from 2018 to 2020

Spanning seven years (2014 - 2020) and with a budget of €77 billion, Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation funding programme ever. It is implemented via multi-annual work programmes.

Hydrogen for Clean Transport Conference, 22 September 2017, Brussels

The "Hydrogen for Clean Transport" Conference will offer a unique occasion to learn about the main achievements taking place in Europe but also to understand what are the remaining barriers facing the technology deployment. Two EU-funded projects HyFIVE and H2ME will be at the core of the conference and seven major vehicle manufacturers (Audi, BMW, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota, and Symbio) will be present to confirm their engagement towards continuing with coordinated deployment in Europe

New Technological Advances for the Third Generation of Solar Cells

Achieving energy efficient, cost effective and versatile solar cells has always been a challenge for the scientific community. The emerging perovskite sensitized solar cells (PSCs) are very attractive candidates to fulfil these requirements. Their potential for fast rise in performance attracted intense attention from scientific community and in particular from GOTSolar consortium.

FET-OPEN January 2017 cut-off Evaluation Results: 28 proposals selected for funding

A new batch of 28 excellent proposals that aim to explore novel ideas for Future and Emerging Technologies has been invited for grant preparation. The 26 Research and Innovation Actions and 2 Coordination and Support Actions were selected by independent experts in a fierce competition of 374 submitted proposals. The next deadline for submitting a FET-Open proposal is on 27 September 2017.

EU-China Summit: new flagship initiatives in research and innovation

The European Union and China will boost their research and innovation cooperation with a new package of flagship initiatives targeting the areas of Food, Agriculture and Biotechnologies, Environment and Sustainable Urbanisation, Surface Transport, Safer and Greener aviation, and Biotechnologies for Environment and Human Health.

Making Poland's energy infrastructure more sustainable

The EU-funded SuPREME project will help to promote a conversion to renewable energy systems and resources in Poland by twinning one of the country's best energy research centre with more advanced EU centres of excellence in the field.

Harnessing the sun to clean up industrial processes

The production of cement and lime involves fossil fuels and produces harmful greenhouse gases. Industry could change this, if scientists can develop a technology that can use solar power for high temperature industrial processes. The EU-funded SOLPART project has built lab-scale reactors that use a solar powered process to meet this need.