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Join us at the European Maritime Day on 19-20 May in Bremen!

2014 European Maritime Day will focus on “Innovation driving Blue Growth” and on this occasion the EU Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation will be present through a thematic session on “Ocean technologies: an investment for sustainability”. Come and join us!

Shielding hospital workers from radiation

While nuclear medicine (specialty involving the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease) and interventional radiology may give doctors life-saving technology to diagnose and treat diseases, the radiation emitted from the machines and systems could lead to some risks for the doctors.

How to protect against low-level radiation

There are many radiation sources, usually in low doses, from key medical diagnostic equipment to natural sources like radon gas that emanates from the ground. Until now, there has been little understanding of the low-dose radiation impact, but a European research project, DoReMi, is examining the potential health risks and how to protect against them.

Water-efficient coolers for solar power plants

EU-funded researchers have developed a more water-efficient technology to help convert sunshine in deserts into electricity. The technology removes the need for water in cooling systems, helping to make solar power generation cheaper and sustainable in sun-rich desert regions.

H2020 Info Day - Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy – calls EE 8 & EE 11

H2020 Info Day - Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy – calls EE 8 Public procurement of innovative sustainable energy solutions 2014 and EE 11 New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency 2014. The European Commission – DG CONNECT organises an Information Day for the calls for proposals EE 8 and EE 11 on 28 March 2014, from 9:00 until 14:00. The event will include presentations of the calls, a question and answer session, and an open networking session for participants wishing to present their ideas.

Sustaining access to tissue and data from radiobiological experiments

In 2012, IBBL (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg) participated in a European Seventh Framework (FP7) programme that aims to sustain access to tissue samples that were exposed to radioactivity. IBBL scientists assessed the robustness and reproducibility of laboratory methods that were proposed by the programme’s consortium.

Treating sewage sludge intelligently

EU Member States have the obligation to collect and treat domestic and industrial wastewater from urban areas under the Urban Wastewater Directive. This mandatory treatment is very costly, thus it is important to re-use the by-products thereby.

H2020 Info Day: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy - LCE 7 – 2014: Distribution grid and retail market

You are welcome to register to the H2020 Info Day: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy - LCE 7 – 2014: Distribution grid and retail market. Participants will benefit from a presentation on the Innovation Actions as well as on the Coordination and Support Action invited for submission under LCE 7 – 2014: Distribution grid and retail market. A networking session will open the floor for participants who wish to present their ideas for innovation, respectively coordination and support actions’ proposals.

Making European power networks more resilient

For professional engineers in the power industry, keeping distribution networks running smoothly is almost a point of honour. Electrical blackouts caused by system overload not only cause disruption to large numbers of people and businesses, they also bring political consequences and loss of trust in the industry. Maintaining power networks therefore involves 24-hour monitoring to ensure that supplies meet demand.