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Webinar in Cooperation with CIOPORA: Enforcement Practices for Plant Variety Rights in the EU

Increasingly, plant breeders and Plant Breeders’ Right (PBR) title-holders are facing illegal propagation of their registered varieties in different countries. While the law enforcement is similar to other IP rights, such as trademarks, the enforcement activities in PBR may be more challenging due to the specific character of the rights' subject – a perishable living plant – and the botanical expertise required for the variety identification. The training session will provide a comprehensive overview of the enforcement tools available to the holders of PBR in the European Union. This webinar is part of a training collaboration between CIOPORA and the European IP Helpdesk.

Web Summit Lisbon 2022

The Web Summit has become “Europe’s largest and most important technology marketplace” with an expected attendance of 70,000 people for this year’s edition, including 2000+ start-ups, all active in the tech industry. The India IP SME Helpdesk will attend the event to meet European SMEs and start-ups and answer any IP-related questions they might have in relation to their internationalisation needs and interests.

Web Summit Lisbon 2022

The annual Web Summit has become "Europe’s largest and most important technology marketplace". The European IP Helpdesk, India IP SME Helpdesk, China IP SME Helpdesk and South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk are attending the event to meet European SMEs and start-ups and answer any IP related questions they might have in accordance with their internationalisation needs and interests. If you are in Lisbon, come and find us!

Webinar: Consortium Agreements

A consortium agreement is an obligotary agreement for most projects (for example in Horizon Europe) and contains provisions about internal organisation and decision-making, financial questions and the handling of intellectual property rights (IPRs). In this webinar, you will learn about the issues that consortium agreements should deal with as well as the relation between the IP rules included in the Grant Agreeement and the Consortium Agreement.

Webinar: Technology Transfer

Technology transfer is a complex process that involves many non-scientific and non-technological factors and many different stakeholders. This webinar will introduce you to the major elements and concepts of knowledge and technology transfer. It will also give insight into the potential risks, technology transfer agreements as well as key aspects of successful negotiations.

Webinar in Cooperation with EPO: Patent Protection for EU Funding Beneficiaries – Digital Communication

This IP training session is part of a lecture series organised in cooperation with the European Patent Academy that addresses IP-related aspects of EU-funded projects. Introducing the main aspects of IP management – notably IP ownership, protection and exploitation – each lecture explores the interface between patents and a specific technical field. In this particular session, we will draw your attention to digital communication. And already mark your calendars for our closing session on biotechnology on 17 November!

Intermediate-Level Webinar: IPR & Software

The nature of software raises many issues concerning its management, protection and exploitation. This intermediate-level training session will look at some specific issues concerning these topics, such as the most appropriate intellectual property rights to use, and different exploitation models for design tools, product and services. This webinar is relevant for all those involved with developing and exploiting software tools, products and services, or acquiring or licensing it.

From Lab to Market – Successful Technology Transfer Journeys – Case: Perceive3D

As part of our Technology Transfer IP Training series jointly organised by the EPO Academy and the European IP Helpdesk, we invite you to case number 5, medical imaging company Perceive3D from Portugal. Broad patent protection and a vibrant innovation ecosystem made it possible for Perceive3D to target international markets and to secure continuous investment during the long development and approval phases, paving the way for market success. In this training series, each case study provides key takeaways for stakeholders in universities, other public research organisations and businesses. Overall, they demonstrate the importance of patents for technology transfer to start-ups, spin-offs and established companies.

Webinar: Business Opportunities in India

The EU is India's third largest trading partner, accounting for €88 billion worth of trade in goods in 2021 or 10.8% of total Indian trade. India’s rapid growth in recent years has meant that many sectors currently present opportunities for European companies. In this one-hour online session, participants will learn more about currently booming sectors and promising business opportunities. Plus, the India IP SME Helpdesk team will give an overview of some practical and legal aspects to keep in mind when entering the Indian market.

Chem-Match 2022: Corporates meet Startups 2022 "Green & Digital"

Aligned with this year's CIEX Europe 2022 conference, this matchmaking session taking place in Frankfurt/Germany from 6-7 October 2022 gives European SMEs, start-ups, cluster organisations, and BSOs the chance to meet the India IP SME Helpdesk team and discover free EU-funded services on internationalisation and IP protection & management in India. The event will connect corporates with startups from the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, bioelectronics, environmental technologies and sustainability, digital process management, and digital innovation.

Patent Knowledge Week 2022 of the EPO

The afternoon session of the second day of the Patent Knowledge Week, will specifically focus on how start-ups and SMEs can benefit greatly from patent knowledge through the whole journey from initial research to the commercialisation of their innovative product. You'll get to hear the fascinating story of how IP protection and patent knowledge services paved the way to success for a young start-up.

Online Trade Fair | Codex4SMEs 2020-2023 | Matchmaking Platform for Personalized Medicine

SMEs, pharma companies, manufacturers, service providers, research teams, clinicians, cluster organisations active in the area of Personalized Medicine, focused on: - (Companion) Diagnostics - Lab-on-a-chip - In Vitro Diagnostics - Artificial Intelligence & Imaging - Wearables - Bioinformatics - eHealth - Financing & Investments - And all who are interested in improving personalized medicine The China IPR SME Helpdesk IP Business Advisor will attend this fair, to approach EU SME participants, presenting its free services and answering any enquiries by the participants

Webinar: IP in Horizon Projects (H2020/HEurope)

From proposal to project implementation and successful exploitation: IP questions arise at different stages throughout the lifecycle of an EU-funded project. This webinar will spotlight common pitfalls and particular challenges concerning IP in Horizon projects. Participants will gain a better understanding of how to properly deal with IP issues in EU-funded research and innovation initiatives (Horizon 2020/HEU).

Webinar: CIOPORA Coop: Growers’ Guide to Intellectual Property Protection for Plants

This webinar will provide essential knowledge on the European system of Plant Breeders' Rights (PBR) for growers and other actors of the horticultural value chain. Participants will learn how to check whether a cultivar is protected, what rights and obligations may arise from the use of protected varieties and corresponding licensing agreements, and why IP and IP compliance play key role for the development of global horticulture.

European Cluster Conference 2022 in Prague

Jointly organised by the Czech Ministry for Industry and Trade under the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Commission, the 8th edition of the European Cluster Conference will take place in Prague at the end of September. After a fully virtual edition in 2020, this year, the cluster community will have the chance to meet again in person. Join us in Prague and meet us at our European IP Helpdesk e-booth!

Webinar: IP Management in ICT Projects

What are Intellectual Property Rights appropriate for different ICT technologies? How should the use, management, and protection of ICT in be addressed in EU-funded projects? These are only a few of the questions to be answered by our expert Dr Eugene Sweeney in this webinar, which focuses on issues to be tackled by research teams using or developing ICT in their projects.

Webinar: IP in Biotechnology

With this webinar, we will take a closer look at the field of biotechnology and the protection of biotech inventions. The term biotechnology summarises all technologies relating to living systems and organisms as a basis for developing and manufacturing technological applications that use biological systems. Biotech is regarded as one of the most innovative fields in terms of developing future applications, and appropriate IP protection is critical.

IP rights on cross-border e-commerce platforms in China: Do’s and don’ts

Need more information about the legal aspects of cross-border e-commerce in China? What do you need to be careful for, and how do you develop an IP strategy when selling your products? An IP expert of the China IP SME Helpdesk will provide best practices on how to protect your company’s assets online during the BCECC’s webinar “IP rights on cross-border e-commerce platforms in China: Do’s and don’ts” on September 8, 2022 at 11:00 CET (17:00 CST).

Online and offline protection of European Brands and Innovations

The session is organised by the International IP SME Helpdesks to illuminate EU SMEs on do’s and don’ts when faced with infringement or counterfeits of their brands and products in international markets. The objective of the session is to provide a brief outline of avenues of infringement in respective markets, the public authorities in charge, the legal remedies and enforcement measures available in Africa, China, India, and Latin America.

IP Protection and Enforcement in Africa, China, India & Latin America - Online and offline protection of European Brands and Innovations

IPR-Intensive industries contribute to over 45% of EU economy and 29% of employment. The increase in online e-commerce platforms has eased promotion and distribution of counterfeit products worldwide, making it a priority issue for enforcement authorities and a main concern for Innovative enterprises. Recent OECD & EUIPO study on illicit trade and counterfeited goods saw India, China, and countries of SEA regions as top 10 provenance countries for counterfeit goods. Additionally, the EUIPO study found that counterfeit goods resulted in a loss of over 60 billion euros to the EU economy.