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Poland wants more bottom-up calls and better tools for Widening countries in FP10

Science|Business | 03/07/2024 | Poland - IZTECH, a Polish non-profit organisation, wants to see more support for SMEs. For example, FP10 could introduce calls where the participation of SMEs is required, and a certain share of the budget is allocated to them. In addition, the process of applying for European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator funding needs to be simplified.

The Spanish biotech sector breaks records for financing and investment in R&D

Emprendedores | 03/07/2024 | Spain - The national biotech sector raised 228 million euros in 2023, 37% more. In addition, biotechnology companies invested 180 million more in R&D in 2022, rising to 1,218 million. Arthex Biotech raised 45 million euros in a round led by Columbus Venture Partners and in which investors Invivo Capital, AdBio Partners, Hadean Ventures and Sound Bioventures also participated. In addition, the operation was supported by the CDTI Innvierte instrument and by the EIC Fund.

GALATEA - Blue Growth Accelerator

This call aims at developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains integrating technologies and know-how from aerospace and ICT communities to 4 key Blue Growth domains: Smart Port, Smart Ship, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance.

MarTERA Call 2021

MarTERA has launched a fourth joint call for transnational research and innovation projects. This call is initiated by ministries/funding organisations from 9 countries: Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa and Turkey. The total funding budget is EUR 8.5 million.

How to Protect Your IP in India

We are collaborating with the Internationalisation Centre Styria (ICS) to organise a new training session aimed at educating European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) about intellectual property (IP) laws in India. The main objective of the session is to raise awareness about the market opportunities that India offers for EU SMEs. The session will focus on IP protection strategies in India and how best steps to take prior internationalising to India.

Exploring the Business Potentials of Intellectual Property in India

Jointly organised by the India IP SME Helpdesk and the University of Maribor, this training session will focus on the opportunities for European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India's growing market, emphasizing the importance of protecting intellectual property amidst challenges like piracy and counterfeiting.

Webinar & Cooperation with the International IP SME Helpdesks: IP and Olympics

This training session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to leverage intellectual property (IP) rights effectively, drawing inspiration from the International Olympic Committee's successful revenue generation strategies. Participants will learn how to identify valuable IP assets, create profitable partnerships, and manage IP-related legal and compliance issues, ensuring sustainable revenue growth for their organisations.

Meet the women leading innovation in Europe

This year’s winners of the Women Innovators Prize are women who are pioneering game-changing innovations across a wide range of industries and helping to combat global challenges.

The EIC Fund: new opportunity for Europe’s innovative companies

The Fund was presented during the session “Europe's new ‘Super Fund': the EIC Fund”, which gathered Commissioner Gabriel and five experts from the EIC Fund Board of Directors and Investment Committee, as well as from the EIB as advisor to the Fund. The Fund represents a great opportunity for private investors to invest alongside the Fund in highly innovative companies.

Last EIC Accelerator call of the year

The EIC Accelerator is part of the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot that supports top-class innovators, entrepreneurs, small companies and scientists with funding opportunities and acceleration services. Do not miss this year's final cut-off on 7 October!

Women in Intellectual Property: Celebrating their Innovation and Creativity

In the occasion of the World IP Day 2023, we recently spoke with Catherine Heng Yee Huynh, a bi-cultural and enthusiastic Intellectual Property Law and Data Privacy lawyer based in Paris, France. She is the founding partner of the law firm CATHERINE HENG YEE HUYNH and has expertise in the protection of creations, especially in France, mainland China and Hong Kong. Catherine shared with us the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the IP domain, including the fact that women are still underrepresented in the field.

Helping to save our planet: LIFE projects on the front line

Climate change is happening all around us. Polar ice shields are melting, and sea levels are rising. Extreme weather events like flooding, heatwaves and droughts are escalating. And, things look set to get worse in the coming decades. We present five LIFE projects that are working hard to alleviate the situation.

How LIFE is protecting European bat populations

Bats are vital for biodiversity, they eat lots of insects, helping to reduce the numbers of mosquitoes, grasshoppers and other pests on farms. These seven LIFE projects are playing an important role in ensuring that this long-misunderstood species thrives well into the future.

New publication: Empowering the licensing capabilities of EIC-funded start-up companies

Licensing has a key role for many EIC beneficiaries, serving as a vital mechanism facilitating technology transfer, accelerating market entry, and enabling revenue generation. The Innovation Radar analysis revealed that 37 percent of EIC-supported innovations required or would benefit from licensing. Licensing is portrayed as a robust business strategy providing access to technology and intellectual property, highlighting various models like development partnerships, freedom to operate agreements, and horizontal as well as vertical commercial licensing strategies.

How to record copyright in China?

Voluntary copyright registration is useful in China especially when starting enforcement proceedings in case of an infringement because authorities would require you to show copyright certificate as proof of your rights before taking up your case. In this article, the China IP SME Helpdesk external expert Dr Jian Xu explains how to register copyright in China.

China's Supreme People's Court Amends the Jurisdiction Rules of the IP Tribunal

In November 2023, the China’s Supreme People's Court amended the Jurisdiction Rules of the IP Tribunal, limiting the scope of the cases handled by the special IP Tribunals so that the IP Tribunals will focus on ‘significant and complicated’ cases. Read the China IP SME Helpdesk external expert Dr Leslie Xu’s analysis to learn what this means in practice for the right holders. The article was first published on the website of Chang Tsi & Partners.

Communicating MSP: input wanted for webinar

Following the publication of the Communicating MSP guide, the EU MSP platform will organise an online workshop dedicated to the communication needs and priorities of MSP stakeholders. Take part to this preliminary survey to help us design this event and select the key topics you would like to discuss with MSP experts. To take part to the short survey click "more"

International Ocean Governance Consultation

Targeted consultation on International Ocean Governance is launched! The consultation aims at assessing development needs and options for the Agenda in light of today’s challenges and opportunities to deliver ocean-related targets of Agenda 2030 and in particular the Sustainable Development Goal on Conservation and sustainable use of the oceans (SDG14) in support of the European Green Deal.

Give your feedback on the re-use of plastic waste

Would you like to give your opinion about the re-use of plastic waste? FiberEUse, a Horizon 2020-funded project, has recently launched the "FiberEUse Idea Manager" platform. The users can provide feedback on the design of solutions elaborated within the project, also grading different alternatives. The highest rated ideas will be manufactured as prototypes and showcased at the 2020 Milan Design week.