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Launch of Italian platform for environmental best practice

The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea will launch its environmental best practice sharing tool - or knowledge platform - in Rome on 14 June 2016. The online tool was developed with the help of EU funding for environmental protection and climate action.

Climate adaptation: Learn about Horizon 2020 projects at Adaptation Futures 2016

The 4th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference – Adaptation Futures 2016 – will take place from 10 to 13 May in Rotterdam. Partners of Horizon 2020 climate projects will share their experiences in a number of sessions. In addition, conference participants can learn about the EU's programmes for climate adaptation at the European Commission's booth in the Adaptation Expo.

Circular Economy: Join the EU delegation to Chile in April

The European Commission is organising a delegation to Santiago de Chile on 25-26 April to promote circular economy and green business opportunities. The delegation takes place back-to-back with the XIV. World Mining Exhibition and Congress for Latin America. Business representatives are invited to join the delegation. Please register by 25 March.