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Sweden Brazil Collaboration 2023

The Sweden Brazil Collaboration 2023 is a long-term matchmaking event that brings together small and medium enterprises (SMEs), startups, and Business Support Organizations (BSOs) from Sweden and Europe with potential partners from Brazil. The goal is to facilitate connections and collaborations between these entities. The Latin America IP SME Helpdesk team will actively participate in matchmaking sessions. During these sessions, they will introduce the free services funded by the European Union for intellectual property (IP) protection and management to the target audience.

Webinar: IP Assessment

As IP assets are constantly growing, they should be used effectively. Accumulated IP assets can be the armour that protects a company from competitors in the market, but also a powerful weapon to initiate attacks. In this online session, European IP Helpdesk expert Dr Christian Hackl will reflect on different facets of the IP assement process. Typically involving a systematic and scientific examination and evaluation of IP resources, it also allows companies to determine whether their IP is adequately protected and whether it currently provides a competitive advantage or might be used as such in the future.

Webinar: IP Assessment

As IP assets are constantly growing, they should be used effectively. Accumulated IP assets can be the armour that protects a company from competitors in the market, but also a powerful weapon to initiate attacks. In this online session, European IP Helpdesk expert Dr Christian Hackl will reflect on different facets of the IP assement process. Typically involving a systematic and scientific examination and evaluation of IP resources, it also allows companies to determine whether their IP is adequately protected and whether it currently provides a competitive advantage or might be used as such in the future.

Webinar: Introduction to IP

We are excited to kick off our training schedule after the holidays with this beginner-level webinar, in which our expert Michele Dubbini from the European IP Helpdesk Training Team will provide you with an introduction to basic concepts and definitions of intellectual property (IP) and intellectual property rights (IPR). Additionally, participants are given a first overview of existing practices and processes related to IP management.

Horizon IP Scan – Info Session

The Horizon IP Scan is a tailored, free-of-charge, first-line IP support service provided by the European Commission (EC) specifically designed to help European start-ups and other SMEs involved in EU-funded collaborative research projects to efficiently manage and valorise intellectual property (IP) in collaborative R&I efforts.The 20-minute session aims to give all interested parties an insight into the background of this innovation support initiative of the EC, its benefits and the application process.

Online Workshop: Circular Construction and Sustainable Building - Protecting and Commercialising IP Prior to Internationalisation

Next Monday, 19 December, our training team will participate in one last webinar this year, holding a session on ''Circular Construction and Sustainable Building: Protecting and Commercialising Your Intellectual Property Prior Internationalisation''. The session will be part of the virtual workshop "De-risking Indian market entry. Internationalisation training programme on circular construction and sustainable building'' organised by EcoDomus Cluster, ICBUILD, the Enterprise Europe Network, Sicindustria and I.E.ME.S.T. Join us! Registration will be open right until Monday morning at 8 AM (CET).

Webinar: Maximising the Impact of H2020/HEU Project Results

This webinar will provide an overall view of the creation and the development of intellectual property (IP) rights both during and after an Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe project. Participants will learn about the most common planning mistakes, and IP expert Dr Eugene Sweeney will offer practical tips so that beneficiaries can have the best possible results from their Horizon projects.

Webinar: Patents and Innovation

Innovation is about taking an idea to a commercialised product, process or service. The webinar will explain the various stages in the innovation process, and how patent information can assist the decision-making process in going from one stage to the other to reach successful commercialisation and beyond. This webinar is, therefore, particularly relevant to SMEs and entrepreneurs involved in new product or process development.

Horizon IP Scan – Info Session

The Horizon IP Scan is a tailored, free-of-charge, first-line IP support service provided by the European Commission (EC) specifically designed to help European start-ups and other SMEs involved in EU-funded collaborative research projects to efficiently manage and valorise intellectual property (IP) in collaborative R&I efforts.The 20-minute session aims to give all interested parties an insight into the background of this innovation support initiative of the EC, its benefits and the application process.

Webinar: Patents and Innovation

Innovation is about taking an idea to a commercialised product, process or service. The webinar will explain the various stages in the innovation process, and how patent information can assist the decision-making process in going from one stage to the other to reach successful commercialisation and beyond. This webinar is, therefore, particularly relevant to SMEs and entrepreneurs involved in new product or process development.

Horizon IP Scan – Info Session

The Horizon IP Scan is a tailored, free-of-charge, first-line IP support service provided by the European Commission (EC) specifically designed to help European start-ups and other SMEs involved in EU-funded collaborative research projects to efficiently manage and valorise intellectual property (IP) in collaborative R&I efforts.The 20-minute session aims to give all interested parties an insight into the background of this innovation support initiative of the EC, its benefits and the application process.

From Lab to Market – Successful Technology Transfer Journeys – Case: Cubicure

As part of our Technology Transfer IP Training series jointly organised by the EPO Academy and the European IP Helpdesk, we invite you to the next case: Cubicure from Austria. This case draws our attention to how developing a long-term technology transfer strategy with smart distribution of usage rights allowed the Technical University of Vienna to achieve scientific breakthroughs and commercialisation success with its industry partner, Ivoclar. This led to the creation of two university start-ups. As one of these two start-ups, Cubicure was able to benefit from a strong patent portfolio during early-stage funding rounds and to build strategic partnerships.

European Innovation Council Summit 2022

The second edition of the European Innovation Council will take place on 7-8 December 2022 at Tour & Taxi in Brussels. The India IP SME Helpdesk team, the other international Helpdesks, and the European IP Helpdesk will be at the EIC Summit with an information stand, also joined by other EU initiatives. All participants interested in finding out more about free EU-funded support services on internationalisation and IP protection for European SMEs are most welcome to say "hi".

Webinar: Impact and Innovation in EU Funded Projects – A Guide For Proposers

This webinar will address different ways to define professional and systematic intellectual property (IP) management in Horizon (2020/Europe) projects. From how to find the right management framework for specific activities to how to develop a credible strategy for managing and exploiting research results - this training session will address the most important questions proposers ask.

European Innovation Council Summit 2022

The second edition of the European Innovation Council (EIC) Summit will take place at Tour & Taxi in Brussels between 7 and 8 December 2022. The first day of the Summit will be open to the general public and will be web-streamed on the event website, while the second day will be fully dedicated to the EIC beneficiaries. Together with further EU initiatives, the European IP Helpdesk and the International IPR Helpdesks will be present at the EIC Summit with an institutional stand to welcome all participants interested in knowing more about free EU-funded services on internationalization and IP protection for European SMEs.

Advanced Webinar: IP and Artificial Intelligence

A better understanding of the intellectual property (IP) landscape for innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) is key for businesses in the field. Following the previous intermediate training session, this webinar aims to provide a more complete description of IP in the AI field. Participants will learn how to identify valuable intellectual property and how to protect AI inventions internationally.

Webinar: Copyright in Collaborative Projects

This webinar will introduce copyright and how it should be managed in collaborative projects. Many of the outputs from collaborative projects may be protected using copyright, such as academic papers and other publications, software code, data, technical drawings, outreach materials, videos, etc. Copyright comes into existence automatically, and particular attention is thus to be paid to its management.

Intermediate-Level Webinar: Copyright in Collaborative Projects

This webinar will introduce the concept of copyright and how copyright should be managed in collaborative projects. Many of the outputs from collaborative projects may be protected using copyright, such as academic papers and other publications, software code, data, technical drawings, outreach materials, videos, etc. Copyright comes into existence automatically, and particular attention needs to be paid to its management. Participants in this training session will also learn how copyrighted materials can be licensed and transferred.

Intermediate Webinar: IP and Artificial Intelligence

A better understanding of the intellectual property landscape for innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) is key for businesses in the field. This webinar aims at providing a general overview of AI and machine learning in regard to intellectual property. Participants will learn how to identify valuable intellectual property and how to get protection of AI inventions internationally.